I saved you right?

567 13 16

Scarlett pov

I woke up to y/n laughing. A sound I've been waiting to hear for weeks while she was in the hospital, but she's home now and she's safe.


Her wound is almost completely healed and we can put all this behind us. I'm going to set up for her to go to therapy, everything she's been through I just want her to have a safe place to get it out.


I stay in my bed just listening to her sweet giggles. I'm so happy that she's safe and back home. I also heard Mr Lotta was sentenced to life imprisonment for child neglect and endangerment.


I check the clock on my night stand but it's just flashing 12:00. It might have unplugged or broken. I went to check my phone. Dead too. That's so weird. I'll charge it later. I went to shower and brush my teeth. Then I started hearing y/n coughing. Oh no my poor baby. Forget the shower I gotta check on her.


I started making my way through the hallway and down the stairs the trip felt longer weirdly. Y/n coughing got worse. I quickened my pace. Getting to the living and she's not there, the tv isn't on. I check the kitchen and her chocolate chip pancakes were untouched. Why didn't she eat her breakfast?


"Y/n? Sweetie where are you?" I called out but got no response. Maybe she's in her room but I swear I couldn't hear her upstairs. I made my way back up the stairs and through the halls. Once again the trip felt unnecessarily long. I made it to her bedroom.

Knock knock

"Y/n honey I'm coming in okay?" No response. Why won't she answer me? Opening the door I faced an empty room. Almost as if no one lived here. Except her pillow is missing.

What the hell? Where's y/n!?

I ran to the bathroom door but heard nothing. I opened the door but was met once again with an empty room.


"Y/N!" Still no response.

I started running through the house screaming her name with no response. I stood in the living room and I felt everything start spinning. I can't breathe. Where is my kid!?

Then the front door opened a crack.

Cough cough

Running to the door I opened it fully.

I froze. The sight was too much to bear.

"I do. I love you m-m-mom"

I couldn't stop my tears. The scene in front of me dusted away and was replaced with me and Lizzie in the hospital talking to a doctor.

"I'm sorry ma'am. There was too much blood loss. We lost her"





"Scar wake up it's okay" I jumped up seeing Lizzie. I was on my living room floor surrounded with empty beer bottles. It didn't take the pain away.

"Scarlett this isn't the answer" she took the newly opened bottle from my hand. I couldn't speak. My eyes were red and puffy. I hadn't stop crying since that day.

"Please Scarlett. Here drink some water you're dehydrated" it's true I couldn't even cry anymore I have no water in my body. I slowly sat up and drank from the glass with Lizzie's help.

"This isn't healthy. I don't know what it's like losing a child but she wouldn't want this" I finally look at Lizzie and her eyes were also red. It's affecting her too.

"Scar the funeral is tomorrow please I need you sober for that. She would want you sober" the funeral.

"She's gone" my voice was quiet and broken. I felt Liz's arms around me squeezing me tight. I held her back and we both sobbed.

"I miss her"

"I know scar"

We sat in silence for a few moments.

"I thought I could save her, but I killed her"

"She wanted to save her mom. No one could have stopped her" I leaned on her shoulder. I closed my eyes to see y/n.

I love you mom
I love you y/n

Adopted by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now