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I woke up back on the concrete floor. I slowly remembered what happened. I actually yelled at him and it felt so good but I think I just put myself in more danger. Touching my neck I felt the sting, there were probably bruises.

I laid down, thinking.

Back to square one. It'll be worse now. You'll never see Scarlett again. You'll never see Lizzie. You'll never be adopted. You'll die here.

Wait Scarlett, I could call her or text her. But will that actually change anything?

Before I could even think about getting my phone out.


I jumped up, seeing Mr lotta there. Smiling. I pushed my phone deeper in my back pocket hoping to protect it.

Seeing him walking down the stairs, smiling. I just couldn't take it anymore. I clenched my fist. He stood in front of me and I didn't back down. That clearly confused him but maybe fuelled him too.

A punch in the stomach then the face, but I stood tall and stared at him. My turn.

I punched him straight in the stomach and he groaned in pain so I kneed him in the face causing him to fall over. Seeing him on the floor made me feel better, like I'm in control. I jumped on him and kept punching him in the face. I didn't want to stop. He deserved this. I needed this. Unfortunately, I let my guard down and he flipped us over.

"You little fag bitch I'm gonna enjoy this" he wiped his bloody lip and turned his attention towards me.

I tried protecting my head but it was useless. He hit me 10 times harder than I hit him. He hit my face, chest, stomach, arms. Anything he could. I couldn't stop it. Grabbing my shirt he pulled me up, repeatedly punching my face. I went limp. I was so weak. I couldn't stop him. I couldn't fight back.

I could hear him panting. I could just see his fist and it was coated red. I couldn't feel anything. I didn't move. I couldn't. I was scared to breathe.

"You won't say anything to that bitch about this. If I find out you have, I'll ruin her career and it'll be your fault"


I finally took a breath but it hurt. I didn't try to move. This was a lesson. I can't beat him, he'll always win.

Scarlett Pov - day y/n left

I closed the door once the car was out of view and finally let my tears drop. I let her go back. What have I done?! I just couldn't let her stay. I couldn't adopt her, she deserves someone better. I don't deserve her.

I couldn't eat that night, I just couldn't stop my mind wandering. Is she safe? Should I call her? Should I see her? If something happens would she call me? What if something terrible happens? What if he hurts her even more because she ran?

I couldn't stop spiralling. So I called the only person I knew who could help.

"Scar? It's like 3am are you okay?" Hearing Lizzies voice helped calm me down already.

"Y/n... went..b-back" I could barely breathe and kept stuttering.

"Hey Scar take deep breaths it's okay. Let's calm down first then talk" I copied her breathing. Her comforting words helped silence my thoughts.

"I'm sorry Liz it's just y/n went back to the orphanage because she think I don't want her because I said we'll find a proper foster place or people to adopt her but she wanted me to adopt her but I'm not good enough for her I can't be her mom"

"Scarlett Ingrid Johansson" I shut my mouth right away. "You are more than good enough don't ever think that you aren't. You would be an amazing mom, remember when she wasn't in the trailer and you were freaking out trying to find her. That showed me how much you care about her and how you want to keep her safe. You gave her warm meals, clothes, a bed. You showed her so much love. You showed her how to trust people. You are good for her, honestly I don't think anyone is better for her"

I couldn't hold back my tears. I always wanted to be a mom but it scared me.

"When y/n came into my life I felt as if I could be a mom. I wanted to be her mom. But my fears got in the way and now I've lost her"

"She isn't lost, she's waiting for you. Go get your kid Scar"

"Thank you Lizzie. Honestly I wouldn't know what I'd do without you"

"I'm always on your side. Get some sleep then we'll go to the orphanage together okay?"

"Okay. See you tomorrow"

I hung up feeling relief. I'm getting her back for good. I fell asleep quickly so tomorrow would arrive faster. I set my alarm early to prepare.


I never got out of bed so quick. I put on the first thing I could find and went to Lizzies house immediately. I couldn't think of anything else just her. I couldn't even think about eating breakfast. I just combed my fingers through my hair to brush it. I'm sure I drove through a few red lights.

I was finally at Lizzies house. I kept beeping the horn until she came out the door. She looked beautiful.

Focus Scarlett

"Nervous?" She scanned me up and down.

"Obviously, I'm just worried what if she doesn't want to come back?" I gripped the steering wheel tight. Lizzie put her hand over mine.

"She loves you Scar. She wanted you to adopt her and now you're doing that. Of course she wants to come back" I held her hand and she gave me a tight squeeze.

"Let's get her back"

I was driving carefully this time because Lizzie kept yelling at me for being reckless. But here we are. My y/n is in there and she's coming with me today. I want to give her the life she deserves, the one she's owed. The one she needs.

We walked through the front door and I saw him. He was sitting at the reception desk. I felt my blood boil.

His face was bruised.

"Lose a fight?" I laughed slightly at him but he kept smiling.

"You should see her" my heart dropped. Is he talking about y/n?

"We came to see y/n" Lizzie spat at him.

"Oh of course" he led us through the hallway. "She's readjusting perfectly, everything is back to normal like she never left. I dare to say it's even better than before" the smile on his face made the hairs on my neck stand up.

We got to this bedroom, if you could call it that. The bed was held together with string and the mattress was paper thin. The walls were a mouldy grey. There wasn't even a window.

"Y/n will be here in a second" he left closing the door.

"Scarlett this room is" she couldn't even think of the word to describe this shithole.

"Is this her bedroom?!" I'm becoming beyond angry, how can this man run an orphanage. These conditions aren't even fit for rats.

Hearing the door open I turn quickly. What I saw made my heart drop and venom raise to my throat.

Mr lotta had his arm around y/n's waist. With y/n, my y/n, covered in bruises and her shirt still coated in dried blood.

"Hi guys"

Adopted by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now