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I woke up and my arm was still burning. I waited til my eyes adjusted to the light then went to the bathroom. I lifted up my sleeve to clean the wounds. It stings so bad. But not like before, this sting hurts. I dabbed the cuts clean with a paper towel gently.

Scarlett wasn't back so she's probably still filming and I don't want to stay here so let's go explore.

I knew the way to set so I went the opposite way to look around. I walked into a building with many rooms. They said director, producer, sound effects, writing. Things like that. Then I saw stunt room, that sounds fun.

Walking in I saw Tom Holland, Flo and Lizzie. They all gave me a wave as I went to sit down. They all had a fight scene together, they had to help each other with whoever they had to fight. So Flo helped Tom do a backflip and Lizzie was "protecting" Flo. It was cool seeing how they prepare for a fight scene. Though Tom did fall Lizzie tried to catch him, unsuccessfully.

"You guys okay?" I walked up to them.

"All good" Tom groaned as he stood up.

"Oh sure you're fine" Lizzie laughed as Tom helped her up.

"Thank you for trying to catch me"

"What's up y/n?" Flo turned to me.

"Nothing just got bored in the trailer, Scarlett is still on set so I went to explore" we all went to sit down and they all drank some water.

"You should come to set more often then we can get into some trouble together" Tom laughed.

"I would love to but I don't know if I'll be back. I might be going back to the orphanage soon or somewhere else" I looked at the floor.

"Oh. How come you think that?" Lizzie spoke.

"Scarlett is only keeping me for a few days it isn't permanent. So I'll be going somewhere" I laughed slightly "she wouldn't adopt me so"

"Well would you like her to adopt you?" I smiled thinking about that. But before I could respond Lizzie got a call.

"Hey Scar what's up?" Hearing her name made me think about our conversation.

"Scarlett calm down she's with me. She's safe I'll bring her to the set. No need to worry" was she freaking out?

"Okay parties over. Scarlett was worried when you weren't in the trailer and started screaming her head off trying to find you" we all walked back to the set.

She was that worried? But she doesn't want me.

We reached the set and Scarlett ran to me engulfing me into a tight hug.

"Omg y/n I was so scared when you weren't in the trailer. You can't just run off like that" I broke the hug even though I didn't want to.

"I'm fine Scarlett. Just got bored" I acted cold to her. I know I shouldn't, it's her decision to not adopt me. I shouldn't be upset with her.

"I'm glad you're okay. Thank you guys for keeping her company"

"It's no problem Scar, y/n is fun to be with. We love having her around" Flo nudged me a little which made me smile.

"Okay y/n I'm done for the day ready to go home?" It's not my home. I nodded at her and she walked up back to her car, while saying bye to many different people on our way.

"Did you have fun honey?" Spoke while buckling herself up.

"Yeah everyone is really nice. I'll miss them" I also buckled up and stared out the window as Scarlett started moving.

Adopted by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now