I'll save you

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Scarlett pov

"Have fun darling" my jaw clenched when he called her that. He stared at me as he left the room.

"Y/n omg are you okay?! I'm so sorry for leaving you. I never wanted you to leave, I wanted you more than you know. I want to adopt you!" I finally took a breath and felt Lizzies hand on my shoulder.

"Y-you guys should go" I saw her eyes start glossing over, she tried keeping them down but I know her.

"Y/n talk to me. It's just me. What did he do? Did he threat you? He obviously hurt you, I'm here to help you to protect you" I dropped down to her level. I just wanted to hug her so tight and make everything better.

"S-scarlett p-please go" her tears started falling. What did he do to her?

"I'm not going anywhere, neither of us are. He can't hurt you with me here" I held her hands.

"I'm gonna get you guys hurt. He said he'll ruin you" that bastard.

"I don't fucking care about my career. I care about you. I want you to stay with me. I want you happy. I want you. I love you y/n. You won't get me hurt, you actually helped me heal" y/n held me in a suffocatingly tight hug and I loved every second.

"I've called the police Scar they're 6 minutes away" thank god for Lizzie.

"I'm getting you out of here now" wiping y/n's tears I held her hand tight and kept her behind me. He's never touching her or anyone ever again.

Opening the door I couldn't see him so y/n guided us towards the exit, it was so quiet. I could hear y/n shaking. We could see the exit but then I heard a door open. Hiding us behind a corner I could hear keys. It's definitely him. Looking down y/n's eyes were filled with so much panic.

"Liz get her out of here. Now!" I whispered. Lizzie knew the tone I had and didn't respond, only nodding her head.

I left our hiding place to face him. The exit door was right there, I just needed to distract him so y/n could get out.

"Looking for someone?" I called out. He turned and he had that smile. That eerie smile.

"Oh Miss Johansson. Where's my darling?" He stepped closer to me but I couldn't let him get too close to the corner so I stepped towards him.

"She's not yours! You can't hurt her anymore" we stood in front of each other. But he was facing the door I needed to flip this.

"Oh on the contrary. She is mine, I'm not the one who abandoned her. Plus she loves it here I'm helping her. I also know everything about her do you?" my blood started boiling.

"I know everything I need to"

"Oh so you know she cuts herself?" Wait what.

"You're lying"

"Ah I would never. In fact, she came back into my care with 5 new scratches. You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that?" How did I not notice she was struggling?!

"Don't try to turn this around on me. You've done so much harm to this sweet girl and you don't even care"

"I've helped her through her disease. She's sick and needs help. She is actually starting to enjoy our lesson" that fucking smile.

"You abused her you fucking pedophile! You're just a small insignificant man who preys on the young to make himself feel big because of childhood issues! How close am I did I hit the target?!" I started circling him to flip our positions. He copied and now I was facing the door.

"You stupid bitch you don't know anything about me!" Oh I definitely nailed it.

"Was it mommy or daddy who didn't love you? Did daddy walked out and mommy never loved you and you never felt good enough ever since. Or did daddy beat you and mommy just let it happen?" I saw Lizzie help y/n towards the door but she kept looking back at me.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME" he pulled a knife from his back pocket. And started walking towards me.

"YOU DONT KNOW ME! NO ONE KNOWS ME!" I kept walking backwards but he lunged at me before I could react.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain. As long as y/n got out safe then I will go through this 10 time again. I will give myself for her. She deserves a life outside of this. She deserves to know how better the world is.

Opening my eyes I see his smile. But it's different. Bigger.

Looking down I see where I've been stabbed I see.

"Y/N?" He was twisting the knife in her stomach.

"FREEZE DROP THE WEAPON. HANDS IN THE FUCKING AIR" the police finally arrived.

He kept the smile and pulled the knife out of y/n. Her weak little groan. I slowly sat us down the floor. I tried holding the wound closed. I could barely see my eyes were filling with tears. I can't lose her.

"You'll be okay. It'll be okay. Y/n! AMBULANCE! Sweetie I need you to talk to me. HELP" I took off my jacket and placed it on the cut holding it down trying to keep as much pressure as I could. "Y/n talk to me please. Why didn't you leave?! I needed you safe" my tears kept falling.

"I-I n-needed y-you s-safe" she grabbed my hand that was gripping her stomach. Her grip was so weak.

"Who cares about me!" 2 officers came to us with a gurney. I could feel her grip loosening.

"I do. I love you m-m-mom" her hand fell.


I couldn't stop screaming. I didn't want to let her go. Lizzie came up holding me. I saw y/n's unconscious body being dragged away from me.

I cried, screamed. I broke in Lizzies arms. I felt her arms around me. She stayed the whole time.

"L-Lizzie I need to g-get to the h-hospital" i kept hiccuping and my eyes were blurry.

"I'll drive. Scar she'll be okay" we ran to the car. I tried holding myself together.

She saved my life. She called me mom. She loves me.

And I might have gotten her killed.

Adopted by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now