we'll meet again..

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"Vegas , let's go to the beach"

Pete said with a big smile

"Sure love , let's make a day there"


"Then let's go pack our things then go shopping for some snacks"

Pete hugged Vegas with excitement


"How is it?"

Vegas coughed as he drank some water after Pete had fed him some spicy food , Vegas can't always eat spicy food

"Burn my fucking throat"

Vegas coughed more as he drank more water


Pete tried the food

"It's not even spicy , what are you crying about?"

"For you , you always eat spicy food , everyday , you would die for spicy food , I don't usually eat that much spice"

"Well whatever , here eat some sweet then , I've made it"

Vegas nodded , he watched Pete eating in silence and smiled


"Come on Vegas , you're so lazy"

"Well yeah thanks"

Pete was trying to get Vegas off the bed

"Let me sleep , I couldn't sleep at night"

"Well that's none of my business , no one told you to not sleep , now let's go!"

"Where are we even going?"

"Shopping! We need groceries and also some new clothes and other stuff!"


Pete got mad and pulled Vegas with all his force


And Pete finally got Vegas out of the bed by making him fall down , Pete laughed at him


"What are you doing?"


"Reading what?"

"A book"

Pete said while laying on the bed , Vegas went beside him

"You've been reading for almost a day"

"Yeah , the book is interesting"

Pete said , not taking his eyes off the book , Vegas got mad and took the book away from him

"Hey I was reading that-"

"You didn't pay attention to me even once"

Vegas said as he made Pete turned his head to him , Pete blushed

"Pay attention to me"

Pete laughed

"You act like a child , if you act like this infront of people , I doubt that they will think your a mafia"

Pete laughed , Vegas layed his head on Pete's chest




"Vegas , you're acting like a fucking child!"

"I don't care , im not fucking visiting that crazy tankhun!"

"Well then , I will go alone , what can happened , if tankhun doesn't see you with me , he might make me stay with him.."

Pete said the last word in a low voice but Vegas managed to hear him

"Damnmit Pete! You always do this!"

Vegas took the car keys and went to Pete , Pete smiled knowing well he won



Pete cried as he was held down by 2 man , the 2 man was grabbing his shoulders , holding him as hostage , Vegas was there , covered in blood

Pete couldn't see the man he loved getting tortured by other people , Vegas couldn't do anything , If Vegas tried to do something , they would kill Pete

A gun was held to Pete's head , Pete was crying desperately , Vegas couldn't bear seeing Pete like that , they kicked Vegas and punched him till he spill blood.

Vegas was covered in blood , there was blood everywhere

"Either kill yourself or we kill your beloved boyfriend"

The man said , as he smirked , pointing the gun to Pete's head more closer


Vegas pleaded , he couldn't see Pete getting killed , he would never let him die

"Kill yourself and I might let your boyfriend live.."

The man laughed , Vegas couldn't think twice , he took the gun that was on the floor , he stand up and pointed the gun to his head , he looked at Pete


Pete said looking directly into Vegas's eyes

"Vegas..d-don't.. j-just don't.."

"I'm sorry Pete"

Vegas said as tears was streaming down his face

"But I can't let you die Pete , I just can't , I'm sorry I failed to protect you.."

"Vegas..no , Vegas NO NO NO , VEGAS NO! DON'T!"

Pete cried , his voice was shaking

"I love you Pete"


"I promise..we'll meet again..love.."


Pete watched the bullet went through Vegas's head , he watched Vegas's lifeless body fell down , he watched the man he loved , kill himself infront of him

The man that he loved , killed himself so his lover could live


Pete's voice was shaking , he couldn't believe it , no , he didn't want to believe it


Pete stand up and pushed the 2 men that held him , but couldn't

"Let him"

The man said as he laughed

"Vegas , a ruthless mafia they said , i thought he was cold , but turn to be weak for a nobody , so pathetic"

The man laughed more

Pete ran to his lover , he shake Vegas , calling his name multiple times and cried

"Vegas , you said you wouldn't leave you fucking idiot! Why!? Just why!?"

Pete cried as he hugged the lifeless body of Vegas , Pete cried more and more , he didn't want to believe that Vegas killed himself

"No..I wouldn't let you die alone.."

Pete said , he took out the sharp knife that he had in his pocket

"We'll meet again.."

Pete said smiling for a last time , he sliced his throat , he smiled knowing he would never let Vegas die alone

I love you Vegas..

Pete fell on top of Vegas's body , the man went to check the pulse of Pete

"He's dead"


The man laughed more


We'll meet again..

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