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Bible kept looking at Build

Pretty for the face of a boy..

Bible smiled , Build slowly opened his eyes and yawn

"Well hello"

Bible said giving a smile after Build


Build rubbed his eyes

"Oh its you"

"You slept for 2 hours"

Bible said


"You seem to want to sleep more , how about we go to the dorm?"

"Don't you have classes? Cause i can go by myself , I don't have classes"

"I don't , art was my only class for today"


Build got up and so did Bible , they took their bags and went to their dorm , Build put his bag on the chair and flop himself on his bed

Bible went to sit down on the other chair , Bible was using his phone while Build wasn't sleepy now , he was thinking

Thinking about these weird illusions , Build closed his eyes , he tried to think of the two person names Vegas and Pete , the two person who happened to be in his dream

Those two person always keep appearing and he doesn't know why its happening , suddenly he opened his eyes wide as he felt someone touched his leg


Build got up too fast and hit his head on the metal , again

"Ugh! That stupid fucking bed!"

Build heard Bible laughed

"You should get used to it"

"Fuck off , that hurt!"

Bible approached him , Build realised to what he had said

"O-oh , sorry I didn't realise I said something like that"

"Is your head alright tho? That does hurt , you should probably put it in your mind that there is another bed upside you"

Build nodded , he felt his face becoming red when Bible was touching he head , he was checking if Build got hurt or not , Build was bloody red

His face was burning because Bible's face was close to his face

"No bruises , you just got hit"

Bible said in his English voice

"Oh , your English is so good"

Bible smiled at him


Bible went to sit down on the chair , he was reading a book , Build went to take a nap , as he layed his body on the bed , he immediately fell asleep

After a few minutes , Bible turned to see Build but saw him sleeping , Bible stand up and went to check on him , he sat on the edge of the bed and played with his hair

"You're still clumsy as before , you didn't change a bit..Pete.."

Bible said as he smiled

We meet again my love..we meet again..

Bible got up and went to sit on the chair , he continued to read


Build woke up , being hungry

We'll meet again •Bible x Build•Where stories live. Discover now