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Build opened his eyes , realising he was in bed , he sit up , feeling pain in the back , but he saw Bible , sitting on a chair , his eyes closed

As he continued to stare at Bible , his face saddened

Did I truly have a past life?...

Build sigh , not knowing what wrongs with him , Bible woke up and saw Build sitting up , Bible rubbed his eyes , he looked at Build

"You're awake"

Build nodded

"Um , do you remember anything from yesterday?"

Bible asked , wanting to know if Build had finally remember his past life

"I only remember being stabbed.."

"Nothing else?.."

Build shakes his head , Bible sigh , disappointed , he thought Build could finally remember everything but unfortunately it's lile everything was in vain since the start

"What time is it?"

Build asked , Bible checked his phone

"11:27 a.m , let's go eat , Tong is downstairs with his friends"

"I will take a shower first"

Bible nodded , Build brush his teeth and took a shower , he put on his clothes , getting out of the bathroom , Both of them went downstairs , they saw Tong in the living room

"Oh Build , how're you feeling?"

"I'm fine , thanks for asking P'Tong"

"Thats great , oh Build , those are my 2 friends , Us and JJ"

"Pleasure to meet you"

Us gave a smile to Build , he was stunned

Wait..isn't that..

"You too.."

"Let's go eat outside today"

"You pay"

"JJ will pay"

Tong said with amusement

"Hey , since when did I say that!?"

Tong laughed as well as Us

"Let's go"

Us and JJ went in their car while Build and Bible went in the car of Tong , they went to a restaurant , they ordered their food

But something was bugging Build , all of them noticed that Build was silent especially Bible

"Are you alright?"

Bible asked , whispering in his ear but Build didn't hear it , he was too busy thinking of other things

"Hey bro"

A hand was paused on Bible's shoulder , it was Ta , the cousin of Bible

"What're you doing here?"

"Just came to eat with my friends"

Ta said , pointing at his friends , Jeff and Barcode

"Wait Jeff , don't you have classes today?"

Tong asked his little brother , Ta already knows Tong since they've meant before


"You skipped right?"

Jeff smiled awkwardly knowing he got caught

"You little brat"

"Oh , don't need to scold me , just eat with your friends , I am with mine , freaking old man"

We'll meet again •Bible x Build•Where stories live. Discover now