Known him

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Ring ring..ring ring


Build said in a sleepy voice

"Ey Build! You're still sleeping!? You're going to be late!"


Build checked the time

"Fuck! I'm going to be late!"

Build got up and hurriedly went to shower , he put on his clothes and took his bag , he then hurriedly went to school

"Finally! You're here"

Build pant

"You didn't hear the alarm , right?"

"I might have turned it off"

"Why did you even overslept?"

"I did the homework late at night"


Apo said confused

"Wait..what homework!?"

Bas also came , both of their face shocked

"You guys didn't do it?"

"Shit! Build give us your notes please"


"We will pay you lunch!"



Build took out his notes and gave it to Apo and Bas , both of them sat down and copy the notes , Build laugh at them

"There's 5 mins left , hurry up!"

Apo finished copied and put his copybook in his bag and so did bas too , they gave Build's notes back then they went to class

The 3 of the were good friends , they've met each other on the first day by Build bumping into Apo and Bas spilled his drink on Build's shirt

The 3 of the would joke around mostly Bas and Apo , Build was a little introvert

"Hey i remember"

"Remember what? That you had braincells?"

Apo laughed

"What a lame joke"

Bas laughed and so did Build

"We're getting our dorms today"

"Oh! Yeah! They said they will give us our keys to the dorm!"

Apo said happily

"I wished we could choose our own partner"

Build said

"Why? We can't?"

Apo questioned

"We can't , teacher will choose our own partner , and also only 2 students are allowed in one dorm"

"Man that sucks"

Apo said

"So unfair"

Bas said , the three of them walked and attended classes , hours passed and classes had finished

"Don't forget to take your dorm keys , Ms Lee will give you your keys in her class after lunch"

Ms Pim said , everyone nodded and they went for lunch , Build , Apo and Bas walked to the cafeteria

"Ugh I'm so hungry"

"We're almost at the cafeteria , come'on don't he lazy!"

Bas said while putting his arm on the shoulder of Build , they ordered their food and went to eat it on the table , the 3 of them ate and talked , also laughed

We'll meet again •Bible x Build•Where stories live. Discover now