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"Who is Pete? Why did you call me that?"

Bible's eyes widen when Build asked about that

Shit I messed up again

Bible was thinking of a lie but couldn't find one

"I said that out of confusion , I messed up with 2 different names , sorry"

Bible said but Build didn't believe him , Build just nodded , he didn't want to make this a big deal

"I will come back later , I'm gonna go to class"

Build said as he got up , Bible nodded ans Build left

I need to be more cautions..he , himself should find it out..

Bible sigh , Build went to class

"Build you alright?"

Bas asked , concern , as he came near Build , Job was beside Bas , Build find it weird that the both of them were always together

"I'm fine but why you guys are always together?"

Build asked curiously as Bas and Job looked at each other

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"Um no"

Bas said as he gave Build a smile , Job didn't want to be involved in this , he didn't talk in case he might say something wrong


Build said in his serious voice

"Um I'm not hiding anything I swear"

"Don't lie , you always say 'um' when you're lying"


Bas didn't know what to say

"I'm going to my seat"

Job said going away but then Bas grabbed him and pulled him

"Don't leave me here alone!'

Bas whispered to him , Build find it more weird but then the teacher came in

What a save

Bas sigh , a sigh of relief , Bas and Job went to their seat while Build was already in his seat , the teacher started teaching


The bell rang , it was lunch , Build stand up , the 3 of them went for lunch , the brought their food and sat down , eating

They seem so close

Build wasn't doubting that they could be dating



Bas adjusted his glasses as he looked at Build

"Answer my question earlier"

"What question?"

"Why are you and Job so close to each other?"

Build asked , Bas chocked on his food , Job tap his back and made him drink water , Build watched them


Job said to Bas

"I don't know if my guess is right but it seems like you two are dating"

Build said while eating his food

"Well your guess is right"

Job said

We'll meet again •Bible x Build•Where stories live. Discover now