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Build went to the class and sat down , he was breathing heavily

Why did I feel a sharp pain in my heart , that fucking hurt

Build was sweating , he rest his head on the table and put his hand on his chest , he inhale and exhale , trying to calm his breathing

30 minutes later and Build was sleeping on the table , Bas and Apo came in the classroom only to see a sleeping Build , both of them went to sit down infront of Build

Bas and Apo turned to look at Build


Bas tried to shake him but he wasn't answering

"Build wake up!"

Apo said as he shaked Build violently , Apo find it funny but Build didn't wake up and that made Bas and Apo worried for him

"Hey build? Its not funny man , wake up"

"Yeah , wake up , Build"

They shake him but Build was still sleeping

"Is he dead?"

"What are you talking about!?"

Bas aid smacking Apo on the head , they got so worried , looking at each other , Bas got scared when he felt a hand grabbed him , he turned around

"Oh , it's you"

Apo turned around and saw his roommate , he rolled his eyes

"Yeah its me , we also have art class"

Bas nodded

"Why are you ignoring me pretty boy?"

"Fuck off"

Mile smiled at how arrogant Apo was

"Why do I always see your face? You're like an old man"

"Ey , rude much"

"I don't care"

Bas looked at him

"You have friends?"

"Not funny Bas!"

"We're roommate"

Mile said

"Oh , job is my roommate"

"Trust me , your life will not be the same if you befriend him"

Mile said laughing when Job smacked him on his head

"I ain't even that bad"

Bas laughed in a low voice

"Im Mile"

"Im Job"

"Im Bas and this is Apo"

Mile looked at Apo and wink at him

"Don't do that ever again , you look so dumb doing that"

Apo said as he smirked

"And this is Bibble"

Mile said , Bas didn't even notice him that he was there , Bibble went to sit next to Build who as sleeping , Bas and Apo looked at him

"Oh , and this is Build , he's kinda sleeping"

Bibble looked at him

Why do I get bad vibes from him?..

Apo looked at Bibble , looking at his face , Build slowly opened his eyes , he yawn and rubbed his eyes , he looked up and saw Bas and Apo looking at him

We'll meet again •Bible x Build•Where stories live. Discover now