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Jeff and Ta went to get some food while Tong needed to go home for some personal reasons , Bible and Build were silent , in the room , they were alone , together

"Are you alright?"

Build asked , breaking the silence , Bible nodded , not talking


Bible turned around , noticing the tone of Build changed but to Bible's shocked , there were tears streaming down Build's face , Build instantly jumped on him and hugged him

Bible was on the venge of crying , he could finally feel the warmth and the embrace of his lover , Bible hugged him back

"I missed you so much Bible.."

"How i missed your embrace my love.."

Bible kissed Build , not wasting time


Build said as he get sat down on the chair , not wanting to hurt Bible

"How long have you known about it?"

Bible asked

"A few days"

"Way long before you know"

Bible said with a smile on his face

"And it was such a torture to see you but without you realising it.."

"You could've told me.."

"No..if a person is destined to know about it then they will remember it by themself..there are things that you shouldn't talk about it love.."

Bible said and Build nodded , Bible rested his head on Build's chest while Build was standing , he smiled

"Finally..we're reunited again..I'm so happy.."


Bible was at his house , preparing his bag , he was going to an apartment with everyone , with Us , Jj, Build , Ta , Jeff , Bas , Job , Mile , Apo and Tong , sadly Barcode couldn't come

Barcode had school and he couldn't miss school days

"Bible , do you have everything?"

His mom asked , coming in the room

"Yes I do mom"

"Good sweetie , be a good boy while being there and stay safe"

"Yes , bye mom"

Bible said as he gave her mom a kiss on the cheek , his father sadly was working but there was a van waiting , there was everyone in there

Bible sat down and they drove to the apartment , an hour later and they arrived there , Tong parked the van and they all got down

Tong opened the door , going inside

"Oh! There's a pool!"

JJ said as he saw a pool , Us chuckle , each of them shared a room , Bas and Job shared a room together , JJ and Us , Build and Bible , Jeff and Ta , Tong sleep alone

He didn't mind having no roomates , he likes it alone

"Lets go unpack"

Tong said , everyone went to their room and unpack , while Build was unpacking , Bible came from behind and hug Build

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing , I just want to hug you"

Build smiled , he looked down remembering their past

We'll meet again •Bible x Build•Where stories live. Discover now