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Bible run his hand through his head and sigh , Tong was sitting down , Build was on the couch , the parent's of Bas called him and told him to come home

Job had to take care of his little brother so the both of them went home

"I shouldn't have let him alone"

Bible said , Tong looked at Build , who was unconscious

"No , we should let him explore the house himself"

Bible looked at Tong cluelessly

"He might have regain some of his past memories , I doubt he was feeling unwell , he was energetic earlier , who knows that he might have some memories.."

Tong said , Build was slowly opening his eyes

"Shush , he's waking up.."

Bible said as he saw Build waking up , Build looked at Tong and Bible

"Why are you all looking at me?"

Build asked as the both of them were looking at him

"Are you alright? You fainted"

Tong asked

"Did I?"

Bible nodded at him , a look of worried on his face


Build said , looking at his hands

"Sorry , maybe I was just exhausted , sorry for the trouble P'tong"

"It's fine , talking about that , it's already late , I think you can stay here"

Tong proposed with a smile


"I kind of think its a good idea , it's raining heavily outside , I don't think my motorbike can drive in this heavy rain , it will be good to stay here and we don't have classes tomorrow"

"What do you mean there's no classes tomorrow?"

Build asked , looking confused at Bible's face

"Professor said there's no classes tomorrow because all the teachers and the principle is going to have a meeting"

Build nodded

"Then you can stay here for the night"

Tong said

"Then I would have to bother you P'tong"

"No , no troubles at all , let's go have dinner then"

Bible helped Build to get up , their face was very close and Build noticed it , his ears turned red

"Are you alright? You have a fever?"

Bible checked his forehead

"Weird..your ears are all red.."

"Are they..?.."

Build tried to hide , he quickly run after Tong , making his way downstairs , Bible looked at him and laughed a little , seeing the reaction of Build , it made him laugh've already drive me you're driving me more crazy being shy like was so rare to see you being shy lile that..

Bible made his way downstairs as he saw Build sitting down already , Bible went to sit down , Tong put the dishes down on the table

He made stir fried rice with basil and pork , spicy green salad and stir fried pepper ginger chicken with soda

"Oh it looks delicious"

We'll meet again •Bible x Build•Where stories live. Discover now