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Y/n pov

There is nothing better than going in the VIP section of a grand theatre to watch a premiere, nothing other than going in from the back because i aint in the movie just pulling strings here and there to get a free ticket.

Doing shady stuff for the rich can really get you plenty of luxury.

Im not talking about murder more like low level drug deals... (Dont tell my mom that!)

Maybe one day ill even get to walk on the red carpet in front.

"And now ladies and gentlemen here comes the woman whom is responsible for the incredibility of this movie because the director couldn't write sobber!!! Y/n, l/n!" You thought to yourself laughing a bit.

At least i do dress like those snobs so i dont stick out. Smokings do look good on me i cant lie. I looked at a mirror fixing my hair and smiling.

"You look sharp today" i complimented myself.

Maybe thats a bit too much of self-confidence for one day.

I went up front grabbing a sit and a drink.

Advertisments, more advertisments and studios titles, always too many of those.

The movie started rolling.

"The fallout"

I aint got no clue what this is about, i just figured free ticket i wont bother with the topic.

I regret that decision now.

Its not that the movie is bad just that i get angry about the society we live in. Angry is an understatement id rather say furious.

I know its odd but it bothers be i cant do much to change this fucked up world. Having to just watch and experience the drama and trauma of a school shooting is even worse.

The people killing kids, fucking animals. Pathetic creatures with no hint of self control trying to prove a point that point usually being "america is going to drive you insane and i am the living example".

I squeezed the empty can in my hand, i got up toshing it in a bin heading to the bathroom.

I had to wash my face and cool of, maybe get some air too.

I walked in the WC and almost drowned myself in water under the sink my hands putting water on my neck to cool it off.

I turned of the sink and grabbed a towel, thats when i heard it.

Soft whimpering in one of the stalls. A woman was crying in there.

I took a glass from one of the cabinets filled it with water and slide it under the door (Yes they have glasses in rich peoples bathrooms I DONT KNOW WHY DONT ASK ME).

"Was the movie that bad?" I said trying to lighten the mood.

No reply. I did see her pick up the glass and drink some water though.

"Alright i guess ill sit here until you come out then, otherwise id be scared Vada might come over and her and stalls have history we dont wanna repeat"

(Authors note: for those who dont know Vada is the main character of fallout in the first scenes she is locked in a stall while hiding from a school shouting.Vada is portrayed by Jenna.)

I heard a slight giggle in between the sobs. I was greatful for that. I slid my back on the stall door and sat on the side of it.

I sat there for quite some time she was slowly getting calmer and eventually stopped. I was dozing of a bit when i heard the door unlock.

"Youre still here?" I heard an exhausted voice.

I was still trying to snap out of my sleepiness.

"Well aint like i got anything better to do" i said yawning.

"Not even watch the movie?"

"Nah i got annoyed" i said slowly standing up

"Oh really..."

"Ye-" i said looking at her for the first time, SHIT. "-i find topics like these intriguing for me, they get me angry at the reality we live in and it does feel like i can never do enough about it" i said trying to continue my sentence as if nothing happened. The lead actress was right infront of me... Well maybe a little shorter than that.

"Good save" she said smirking at me.

"I truly do feel that" i said given that her voice was filled with disbelief.

She didnt answer, only walked to the mirror to see if her make up was ruined.

"May i ask why the protagonist is crying in the bathroom in her big day" i said trying to cure my curiosity and bring back to pace the conversation.

"Oh please, i was forced by my manager to be here for the public eye"

"Forced sounds a bit much for your own premiere"

"I cant watch myself act"

"Why not? You are clearly talented all the other actors seem very unnatural compered to you." I mentally smacked my self in the head. Damn i need to stop flirting with every woman that crosses my path.

"Are you staff?" She asked.

"Excuse me?" I said displeased with her reply.

"You are in the VIP section, you aint in the movie, you are wearing staff attire and i wasnt informed about your name. So youre either staff or some paparazzi who got lucky to slip in the VIP section."

That flipped a switch the anger that was burning in me an hour ago came flooding back and i snapped.

"I am not a paparazzi i have my ticket right here and yeah sure i might be the least known person in this place but at least i know how to reply to a compliment. I simple thank you would have sufficed, hell id settle for silence but no all you snobs are only capable of downgrading people even after they try to provide help" Im done with this place i should have never come here in the first place so much shit only because i didnt read the damn plot of the movie.

"I still do believe youre good at your job but i no longer am willing to continue this conversation. So if you'll excuse me ill take my leave" i said the frustration still slightly audible in my voice.

I started walking in the direction of the door opened it and as if today was not enough right there i slipped on some water falling back hitting my head hard on the bathroom tiles


Hello fellow readers i hope you enjoy this story, i do not give out warnings for anything so scardy cats that dont want to read the full story you are free to go.

This is written with much love and care by me and i promise its a story worth reading if youre into Jenna.

Love you all,

Jenna Ortega x readerWhere stories live. Discover now