1 hour sessions

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Y/n pov

The following two days passed fast though i did have to postpone a lot of dealerships. Ill have a lot of work when Jenna leaves my apartment.

These nights have been hell. Ive slept like shit i need to get a full night of rest. Im so over saying over and over again my birthday and my parents names to Jenna im sure she can wait to go back the her luxurious penthouse as well, see her parents probably and all of the other things famous people do.

There is a feeling thats lingers in my heart though, ill miss her. I dont think she will want to keep hanging out with a lowlife like me it aint like we've been getting particularly close throughout these days either.


Ill miss her a lot.

We sat down together in the kitchen table eating dinner. I wasn't eating much neither was she. The atmosphere was heavy. We were both lost deep in thought our minds circling around the same issue.

What's next? Is that it?

I want to have someone around especially if it is Jenna im scared the moment she steps out of my door tommorow the apartment will be lonely again. Problem being this time i will actually feel lonely.

How dare you come in my life uninvited and then make me wish i never leave you. This is cruel, pure evil i could say even. Having the love of my life snatched from my bare hands. WAIT WHAT?!

"Im gonna go to bed" i blurted out.

"Okay ill see you in an hour"

"We've had too many one hour sessions dont you think?"

"I dont have anything better to do" she mumbled under her breath mimicking our first encounter. I need rest.

"Goodnight Jenna"


I went in my room and Jenna looked back down at her plate.


"Y/n wake up"

"Im not sleeping" i said opening my eyes seeing her sitting next to me reaching for my arm.

"Fine ill just go back to bed then"

"Please dont leave me" my voice came out weak, i meant those words with all my heart the despair was audible in my voice.

"I won't" she replied in a soft whisper.

She raised the sheets and covered herself facing me.

I reached out to her waist pulling her closer to me as i moved as well hugging her tightly my head resting on her torso.

I squeezed her shirt in my hands trying desperately to bring her even closer.

I think she was stunned at first cause now she wrapped her arms around me as well. One arm resting on my back and one caressing my hair. A few tiers rolled down my face.

"Ill miss you"

"You wont have to" she said

Hours slipped by fast i couldnt sleep. I was scared she would disappear if i closed my eyes.

But i was already exhausted from the nights before so i eventually drifted off to sleep.

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