Maybe just maybe

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Y/n pov


"Y/n, y/n wake up"

"What?" I said irritated.

"How do you feel?"


"No not that, any headaches, are you dizzy, can you please tell me your birth date?"

Everything clicked into place. Damn you, doctor disturbing my sleep.

"Im fine, x/x/xxxx, go back to bed"


She left and went to the guest room to sleep again. This must have been one of the longest nights of my life i woke up at 6am for my last checkup assuring jenna i was fine then standing up instructing her to go back to bed.

I need to text all the customers i had been ignoring all night. Buy a spare key for jenna and go take my car from that cinema also i think i have a few drops today.

I took out my to do list and scumbled on it, not too many drops today, fortunately cause im exhausted.

First things first breakfast i put coffee to be made preparing more than usually i usually just eat like a biscuit with it but since i have a famous person in my house i might as well go a bit over board.

I had my breakfast, then cooked for Jenna some eggs and bacon i couldnt come up with anything less clicé im too tiered.

I left a note on the marble kitchen table.

And im out.

I took my keys stepped out and into a bus. It took quite some time to get to the cinema without a car i walked up to the security guard who instructed me to my car and then immediately left to get to the locksmith.

I dropped my key for duplication and then went around the city to drop of the pot.

The highlight of my day was when a kid barely 16 years old showed up asking for the drug.

"Aint no way kid, you are too young and i am too responsible to let you ruin your life so early"

"Said the 20-year-old drug dealer"

"Fun fact i do not even smoke, ive never done drugs i sell them out of desperation since i didnt get to graduate, had to stay home to take care of my mom now i cant get a job cause i didnt go to uni"

The kid didnt really seem to care.

"Listen i dont know if youre going through something or just want the pot for a party. What i do know is weed messes up your head, ive seen it in too many customers to let a teen have the same fate. Call me a buzz kill i dont care but i promise you one day you'll be greatfull to not have taken drugs. Ill head out now. Have a nice day."

I left the kid not even saying goodbye well i dont really mind i dont expect a hormonal teen to understand i wouldnt then again maybe he does ill never know.

I took out my phone and blocked his number labeling it as minor.

After a few more drops i finally was done for today all in a few hours, i dropped by a souvenir shop buying a little keychain for Jenna in the shape of a 3d star picked up our keys and drove back home.

"Im back!" I yelled getting inside.

Jenna came running out of the bathroom frantic.

"Where have you been!?" She yelled at me.

"Out, i had work to do, plus i got you keys for the apartment" i said wiggling the keys in my hand their clinging noice filling the room.

"I aint supposed to leave you from my sight" she continued

"I aint used to having people around i didnt think much about it."

"Dont let it happen again"

"I cant take you with me to work" i stated bluntly.

"At least give me your number so i can check on you then"

"Sure" i took out my normal phone (Of course i have two). Handing it to her signaling to put her number on it. We traded phones and i typed in my info writing my full name with a heart next to it closing the app.

"There, happy?"

"Yes thank you"

"Got any filming to do today?" I said grabbing some water from the fridge.


"Cool ill drive you"

"You cant drive!"

"Do you know how to drive?"

"Yes of course"

"Then you drive and ill cross my fingers you dont scratch my car"

"Hey im a good driver!"

"Ill be the judge of that" i said giving her the car keys and the new keys i bought for her.

Her eyes lingered at the keychain or maybe just maybe it was my imagination, it still brought a smile to my face though.

Jenna Ortega x readerWhere stories live. Discover now