1 minute phone calls

911 19 2

Y/n pov

I am a person of habit, the minute Jenna left my house my mind started racing back and forth to work. I had to catch up with all the clients fast really fast jenna didnt know it but i had little to no money left on the side.

Plus if i work i cant think about missing Jenna. Keep yourself occupied so you dont feel constantly depressed thats it.

I started making phone calls left and right writing down names and orders, days and addresses. My calendar went from empty to full in no time. Who knew one minute phonecalls could turn into hours worth of talking on the phone.

Supermarket, pharmacy, Diesel, supplier, bills you name it i did it, all in a days work and tommorow its delivery time.

The sun was rising and i was already up, i had an hour and a half of driving worth to do, i usually start with the clients further away and come closer and closer to my place as the day goes on.

Ive been on the road for hours dropping the "good" stuff all over town. My mind was circling around the same thing the whole time.

I need to find an other job... fast.

I have this gut feeling that ive been doing this for too long way too long. I kept up with it out of habit cause it might be hard but it paid good money.

Ill save money pay for private uni become a mixologist or something. I smiled picturing myself behind a bar mixing drinks.

Yeah that doesn't sound so bad. I seems pretty neat honestly.

Ill have to start saving a lot of money though since my income will decrease when, if i start uni.

I inhaled sharply.

Why the sudden change of heart?

Why am i suddenly so worried?

i stopped the car got out and leaned on the car watching people drive by me.

My heart was racing i was terrified, as if police was going to raid my house tommorow. Its been a while since i had time to think about myself deep down ive been scared all along i just had to push through for mom.

But mom isn't here anymore so the question remains, who am i fighting for now?

The irony strikes me, its the first time in a long time i get to fight for myself but what do i want?

I want to be...

at peace, loved, safe.

I want to be free.

And in order to do that i have to work really really hard and deny comfort until i succeed.

Fuck, life is about to get really hard for me.

Enough fucking around, you've got work to do.

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