Happy ending

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Y/n pov

The days flew by, i was too busy with everything to even notice, i cut my hand the other night chopping onions so for now I'm staying away from excessive cooking at home.

So here i am in the cough eating instant ramen watching a boring movie and waiting for my bed time like a little kid.


"I'm home"

I saw Jenna pick from the door, did i forget she was coming home tonight? Or didn't she tell me? Excitement filled my face. I went to leave my bowl on the table and go up and hug her.

"No, no, no sit right there dont move"

"Why didn't you tell me you were gonna be home today" i said sitting back down the tv still eluminating my face.

"I didn't know"

She dropped her bags near the door, took off her shoes and came to sit with me under the blanket.

She nuzzled under my arm.

"So what are we watching?"

I didnt reply i was kind of entranced by her.

She looked up studying my face.

"Hey..." I said stupidly.

"Hi" she pecked me on the lips

All my problems were gone, vanished, dust in the wind.

"I missed you" i said my voice coming out in a whisper as i rested my head against hers.

"I missed you more"

"We aint starting that battle"

" Fiiiiine"

" Noodles? " I offered.

" Please, i haven't eaten since breakfast"

She took a bite as i was holding up the fork.

" Mmm delicious, did you make this? "

" Em the microwave did... "

" Cheep shot"

"Promise I'll make my own soon, i just needed to lay off cutting stuff for a bit" i said showing off my bandaged hand.

" You idiot, didn't i tell you to be careful while i was gone"

"I was!"


A drum shot from the tv cut out conversation short as we both got startled and then started laughing.

"Give me your hand" she held it in hers rubbing over the bandage as she kept eating noodles.

"I could get used to this" i exclaimed

"I already am" she said putting down the empty bowl and leaning her head on my shoulder covering us with the fuzzy blanket.

I fixed my attention to the movie, well that's kind of a lie i was watching the movie but my attention was fixed on every micro movement Jenna made and suddenly the movie wasn't so boring anymore.

And in that moment i felt at peace for the first time in forever and a single thought came to mind.

This, this is love...


Our characters have yet to experience plenty in their lives, but I'll leave those adventures up to you guys. Thank you for sticking around until the end, i know i take my time when it comes to updates and i know some of you might think this ending was sudden but it was either that or writing another 15 chapters sucking the life out of every piece of content i could think of. I hope i get to write an original well structured book soon (cause i have tried in the past and failed), of course with women cause I'm obsessed with them.

Till then,
With love,

Jenna Ortega x readerWhere stories live. Discover now