inVitation CARD

817 19 4

Y/n pov

Just an other tuesday and my head is spinning turning working at the speed of light.

Then i heard a slide under the front door and every thought paused while my attention was now fixated on the letter on my floor.

"Dear Y/n,

You are invited to todays premiere of "X", please be present at the following address (Spanakorizou 35) at 9pm tonight, formal attire is necessary. Youre my plus one after all.

J. O. "

My mind had a flashback two months ago when i was on the set of X with Jenna and then what i told her last night, and then what she probably did last night.

I smirked.

Well guess i have to take out a suit then, a fancy one too.

Later that day

I was all ready when the door bell rang.

I opened the door to a well dressed jenna with a black wedding gown on.

"Dont get me wrong you look endearing but did someone die or are we getting married goth style?"

"You are dying if we arent"

"Nice to meet you miss straightforward, its a pleasure" i checked her out "always a pleasure"

"You fucking..." She dragged out her sentence looking at the ground embarrassed.

"Should i grab my coat?"

"Take off your tie"


"Nevermind ill do it"

She grabbed me by my tie pulling me really close to her as i almost fell, she yanked the tie off of me.

She raised my collar and put a black gown as a replacement making me look like a rich kid.

"I hope you have a black coat"

I smiled at her actions my heart warm at how gently she folded the cloth around my neck.

"Of course"


And then i got lost, completely lost.

"Look at me" she raised her head from my neck level.

"You are the most captivating woman i have met, i find your work artistic even if i dont really love the movie, you have shown me kindness and you are genuine with your actions, you have been real with me and everytime i meet you you make me ecstatic and you never fail to keep my mind exited"

"Who is straightforward now?" She mocked me smiling

"Shut up" i said and kissed her gently on her lips leaving her shocked at my action.

"I know we haven't spent too much time together but I'd like to get our relationship to the next level." I said now looking down at my shoes scared a bit "would you like to be my girlfriend"


Now it was my turn to be shocked. I look up to meet her eyes and all i could see was stars again and a smile that light up my world. A smile wide and bright.

She then leaned in and kissed me this time. I held her in place as she was tip toeing to reach me as i bent down.

"But for as long as we are out tonight dont do anything stupid on the red carpet"

" Wait im going in from the front?! "

" Just bring sunglasses you'll need them"

" Thanks for the heads up"

Jenna Ortega x readerWhere stories live. Discover now