Over and over and over...

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Y/n pov

And so the loop began. The loop of endless work. I didnt get a lot of hours to myself let alone Edward was being hard on me.

Day 01

I unlocked the door.

"Y/n is that you? Just in time, i was about to leave for work."

Madam Natalie walking down the stairs said to me.

"Edward is upstairs having breakfast feel free to join him"she continued.

"Thank you ma'am, have a good day at work"

"Thank you, byebye!"

She walked off and i went upstairs after taking of my coat and shoes.

"Good morning mister Edward"

"Morning" he said slightly looking up

"How was your night?"

"I prefer silence during breakfast"

"Alright then just let me know if you need anything"

"I need help eating" he said growling.

I dont think he was angry of me, i think he just felt incapable.

I walked and sat next to him cutting his breakfast in bites and raising the fork to his mouth a couple times.

After he ate got up picking up the plates.

"Im going to wash the dishes, do you want me to make coffee?"

"Yes, first you need to come to my bedroom, leave the plates"

I did as instructed.

"I need to get dressed" he said pointing at a pair of clothes on the bed.

"All done"

"Ill be in the living room" he said bluntly.

Day 02

I walked in the house empty went upstairs and found Edward waiting. He is a man of routine.

"Good morning"

No reply

I helped him eat silently not asking any questions or disturbing him.

Day 03

"Coffee is served! Want a biscuit?"


"can i sit here" i said pointing to the second armchair.

"I would prefer to be alone"

Day 04

I feel like a slave.

No talking no interacting just tasks to complete.

At least Jenna's dog is keeping me company now she was scared of me at first.

"What's her name?"


"She lets you pet her?"

"Yeah i guess, she is a little shy though"

"I see"

Day 07

Im tiered

"Y/n can you bring some water?"

"Coming right up"

Im tiered of smiling all day just to be met with a grumpy face and a blunt voice.


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