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Y/n pov

I do not understand the world sometimes. Im trapped in my mind latelly, overflowed by thought, overworked and constantly head over heels for my girlfriend.

Its been a bit since i saw Jenna, she is still filming, i think its over 2 weeks now.

I did not expect it but i had a lot of work to do in uni.

Usually we had to practice drink making and cooking at home, which is all i did now, except when i was working.

She is coming back in the begining of the month which is an other two weeks ive been working hard to have a romantic dinner ready when she arrives that night.

I miss her a lot, all i currently want is to let her hug me and wash all my problems away. She quiets down my thoughts like some sort of southing painkiller specifically made for me.

I want cuddles SO BAD!


I ain't got time for this i got to cook dinner for myself i will worry about Jenna later. In two weeks to be exact.

It seems like Jenna is always somewhere traveling, living her best life and im stuck at home working. She is working as well but her absence makes me feel like im the one suffering alone.

She doesn't call often nor reply. I get my goodmornings and my goodnigths but i dont get to hear about her day nor talk about mine, one of us is usually exhausted by the time we get on the phone line.

I hate this but i knew what to expect when i fell for this girl and ill sacrifice the occasional comfort for a lifelong partnership with such and extraordinary woman.

The phone rang

"Hey baby"

"Hello love"

"How are you doing"

"im exhausted"

"so same old?"

"too old"

"i cant wait for you to get back"

"me neither"

" I miss you"

" I miss you too"

We both sat there in silence the pain was evident in the atmosphere. We were both feeling it we both needed each others comfort yet we were miles apart.

" Can you keep me on the call intul i fall asleep? " Jenna said

" Facetime? "

" Sure"

I was already laying down on my bed when i saw the incoming call we talked a bit until we fell silent again. Waves of exhaustion were cursing through both of us i knew it.

I dont know who slept first, all i know it that i walk up to me dead phone laying next to me.

Mocking me with my own reflection instead of the eyes i so craved to see.

I had classes today, work and probably o trip downtown to give some of the extra cooked meals to the nursery home or any poor men coming my way.

Whichever comes first.

I want to sleep again, i want to rest, i dont want to face my life today.

Oh stop being a pussy, get up, the world aint gonna stop spinning just because of you, you aint getting ahead in life if you slack of.

"Hey you want to go grab a drink sometime?" Jane asked snapping me out of my zone.

I must have been staring at my notes for a while since class was already half empty.

"I aint interested im sorry"

"Thats fine, however just so you know i meant as friends i can see you've been feeling low lately"

" I appreciate the offer but i stand by what i said, the main problem is my tight schedule but ill make sure to find some time for a friendly hangout sometime"

" Great, ill look forward to it, good luck with whatever youre dealing with"

" Thank you"

"... But i aint sure if luck has anything to do with it"i whispered under my breath.

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