Chapter 1

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3rd person pov-
                  Zetiriya was down at the beach
Teaching the children of her clan how to fight with fake weapons. She was on her knees so be close to the children's height, with a training knife in hand. She had them sparing with one another while she practice with a little girl named Mentsya. She was her favorite, "what if someone tries to get my legs while their down?" Mentsya asked, she was about to answer when she heard the horn blowing. Signaling a foreigner has landed on the island. She stood up to see Tsireya running towards her,"Forest Na'vi! At the middle of the island hurry!" Reya says out of breathe and then running away. Zetiriya gathers the kids and returns them to their parents. She rushed to the middle of the island and pushed through the crowd. She finally makes it to the front. It's true.
                                Forest Na'vi.

First person pov-Zetiriya
     I was out of breathe staring at the newcomers in front of me, examining them one by one to spot any dangers. I saw my people trying to get a closer look I immediately took charge. "SPACE YOURSELFS! We do not know what dangers these newcomers bring!" I yell at my people in Na'vi, they listen and step back. As I turn back around I see my father coming off his llu and greeting the strangers. "Jake sully, why do you come to us?" My father asks the obvious dad of the family. As he ask my mother comes from the crowd ,"ronal I see you" the man I now know as Jake sully says as his family follows suit. "We seek shelter" the man says. I look at the family that clearly is exhausted due to long lengths of travel. As I was looking I noticed what seemed to be the oldest son staring my way, I made eye contact with him and we held it until my mother spoke up. "Shelter?! You will not bring your battle to my people!" She sounded very upset which I understood ."my wife is right we Metkayina people are not at war, we cannot let you bring your war to us" my father stated which I agreed with. "I'm done with war I just want a safe space for me and my family" Jake sully says.

"My husband lead the clans to victory he is a warrior, he was toruk makto" the wife of the man says. "This is what you call victory?! Hiding amongst others? It seems eywa has turned her back on you" my mother said, it was a bit harsh but true, Jake sullys wife hissed at my mom and she quickly hissed back. I went inbetween them and said "do not come asking for shelter to only become hostile when it is denied" I said to her and bared my teeth, my father grabbed my arm gently pulling me back. My mother went up investigating them grabbing a younger girls arm saying how they will be slow in the water until finally she grabbed their hands. "These children aren't even real Na'vi! They have demon blood!" She says taking the younger boys hand and raising it.

I hiss remembering that the sky people killed my aunt in cold blood. My father shushes the gasp from our people. "Toruk makto and his family will stay with us, they sha'll learn our ways... keep in mind they will be like babies taking their first breath" my father was delusional, letting these half breeds stay in our clan. "My children Zetiriya, Ao'nung, and Tsireya will teach your kids our ways while I teach you" my father says. I immediately protest "father i teacher enough children already I don't need anymore!" I turn to look at the sully kids, the oldest looks at me shooting daggers while the others looked down embarrassed. My father grabs my shoulder and says "Do not defy me, I am the leader, and I am your father you do as I say" i look him in his eyes and say "yes sir". My people go back to what they were doing earlier as if nothing happened.

"me and my sister will show you to your marui!" Tsireya says, I shoot daggers at her but comply not wanting to hear my fathers mouth. She begins grabbing their stuff as I go to one of the ikrans to grab some stuff. It freaked out at first but I spoke and it calmed. I went to grab a bag when someone else's hand from the other side had the same idea. I look up to meet a pair of yellow eyes,"I can take it don't worry" he said, it was the older son, i was stuck their for a minute 'why is his gaze so warm' I snapped out of it and just grabbed something else and walked away. Not realizing the confused look left on the boys face. As we walked them to their marui I couldn't help but feel someone staring at me. I didn't want to turn around so I stayed forward.

When we got there I put their bags down and was about to leave before Tsireya said "come on let's help them unpack!" I look at her annoyed "I have duties to attend to, if you haven't noticed my life isn't exactly care free" I said , maybe a little to harsh but I didn't care. I went to walk out but when I rounded the corner I ran into someone "My apologies, I wasn't watc-" I cut myself off when I looked up and met a pair of yellow eyes. "Oh it's just you" I said "ow that hurt, was I not who you were expecting your majesty?" The boy said, I glared at him " Don't be a smart ass mr.whatever your name is" I really didn't care for his name but I assumed he was going to tell me anyway. "I'm neteyam" he said, called it, " Bye neteyam" I was ready for the conversation to end. As I began walking away I heard him say " You can't say bye if the conversation didn't start with a hello"

                                 That night
I couldn't sleep with the stress of having to teach these imbeciles. So I snuck out of my families marui and began to walk to the ocean. I sat on the sand in a secluded part of the beach and began to breathe. It helped when I was stressed. "Eywa give me strength, how am I supposed to lead my people when I get stressed out with only four things to do in a day. I also have to find a mate soon, I have prayed and prayed to you to show me who is best but I have yet to see. I shall pray again at the home tree. Good night ma eywa" I pray every night so eywa can hear my prayers. Though they don't get answered lately. I got up heading back home to sleep.

Third person pov-
Zetiriya went home not knowing that a certain forest Na'vi couldn't fall asleep either and happened to stumble upon her praying to eywa. He more or less listened to what she said, but mostly just admired how she looked in the moonlight. She didn't compare to any omiticaya girl back in the forest. She was different, of course physically but something else was different and it made something flicker inside neteyam, something he can only describe as.... A Warm and happy feeling.

Ok let me know if I make more or if I just give up now! Lol. Comment any suggestions and if I should continue here. Love y'all!

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