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2 years have passed since the war, teósiró was born 9 months after.

The sully's stayed with the Metkayina clan, occasionally visiting the forest.

But this year, teósiró was old enough to visit the forest with them instead of having to stay with Tonowari and Ronal.

The sullys were all packed and ready to go, putting all their things onto their ikrans.

Zetiriya walked to her ikran, she had gotten one after one of their many visits to the forest. Even after all of neteyams objections.

Neteyam walked up to Zetiriya with teósiró in hand.

"Sa'nu! Sa'nu!"(mommy!mommy!)

She grabbed teósiró smiling.

"Yes prrnen?"(baby)


Though he was young he could speak a good amount of words. In Na'vi and English.

"Yes, now you have to choose mommy or daddy to fly with ok?"

Neteyam responded. He loved making him choose because he always chose his dad. He was a daddy's boy and Zetiriya didn't mind, hell she preferred it. He would wake up neteyam to play and not her letting her sleep in all the time.


Neteyams face dropped as Zetiriya brust out laughing.

"I'm glad you think it's funny"

She laughed harder at his statement.

"I'm sorry baby, but your face was so-"

"Don't even"

Neteyam was a sore loser when it came to the very few times teósiró picked her. She mounts her ikran and puts him infront of her,as neteyam stayed their making sure they were secure.

Before he went off he stuck his tongue out.

"Traitor, don't ask me to play with you next time!"

She laughed at her childish mate, fatherhood made him a little lenient with being so strict and uptight.

Though he still was very overprotective of her and their child, she could deal with it.

"Everyone ready?"

Jake yelled out as neteyam mounted his ikran adjusting himself.

Collectively everyone said yes, and then we took off. The journey took about a day before they were landing at the Omiticaya clans village.

Neteyam landed first and immediately got off his ikran to help Zetiriya and teósiró get off Hers.

Mo'at, neytiris mother, instantly ran over. Excited to finally meet her great grand child.

"Where is he? Wheres my great grandson?"

Neteyam picked up teósiró from the ground and walked over to his grandmother.

"Teósiró say hi to your great grandmother"

He slowly turned his head away, looking at his mom. Zetiriya laughed walking over, she grabbed his hand.

"Say hi baby"


Teósiró got his shyness from his from his father, and his excitement from his mother.

"Come child, some of the Omiticaya children would love to play"

Teósiró was let onto the ground by neteyam and grabbed mo'ats hand. Everyone else had already gone to their temporary huts, while neteyam and Zetiriya had just begun to grab their things.

Neteyam was about to speak but was already cut off by Zetiriya

"No he's to young to learn how to use a bow"

"Your no fun, I learned when I was five"

She turned to him with a bored face, walking up to him putting her hands on his face.

"My love, he's two, you have three years and a half longer to wait"

She pecked his lips as he frowned, knowing his mate was right. But he was just to excited to show his son all the things he can do in the world other than play.

They grabbed their stuff and unpacked, they were going to stay for one week like always. Mo'at had came in to say she would watch teósiró tonight, neteyam and Zetiriya just smiled and nodded. They looked at eachother and knew exactly what that meant.

"Date night?"

"Date night"

They quickly ran out hand in hand, running to their ikran and hoping on. They took off.

Zetiriya had to admit the forest was a lot prettier than the sea. It looked a lot more alive.

Neteyam loved seeing her face light up in the moonlight, her skin looking like it was glowing.

They were flying side by side, racing as they yelled at the top of their lungs.

"I love you Zetiriya!"

"I love you a million times more neteyam!"

She was happy.

He was happy.

They were both happy.

They adored their relationship, their son, eachother, their life.

Nothing would change that.

Their love was ethereal.

It is the end of this book but only the beginning of their story.

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