Chapter 5

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First person pov- Zetiriya
I was up before everyone collecting training weapons. Tuk had asked me to train her and her siblings, so I agreed inviting Tsireya, who invited Ao'nung, who invited Rotox. I get to the beach and see neteyam already there facing the ocean. I grab a training knife out of my bag and quietly make my way towards him. When I got behind him I grabbed his hair and put the knife to his throat. "First lesson never leave your guard down" I whispered to him, before I could think he grabbed my wrist making the knife fall and grabbed my other wrist. Turning me towards him he says with a smirk "you can't kill me princess you would mess me to much" I smile know it was true. I looked around the beach seeing no one, so I give him a quick kiss and pulled back smiling. "How come your smile shines brighter than the sun?"

I laugh unable to answer as I saw neteyam snap his head in a different direction. "What is it?" I say looking in his direction, I saw Ao'nung with his friends bothering Kiri, then Lo'ak had joined in telling them to stop. I was the first to start walking over neteyam shortly behind me, but he passed me walking to my brother pointing a finger at him. "She said leave them alone" one of Ao'nung friends went to talk but Ao'nung shushed him. "" he said with anger laced in his voice. I found it kind of attractive, hell I found it very attractive. He grabbed Lo'ak, kiri, and me without realizing, I didn't realize either until Lo'ak went back and I felt neteyam let go of my hand to grab him. "I got this bro" I didn't have a good feeling about this.

He approached Ao'nung, "Look I know my hand looks weird, look I'm a freak, but this finger can do something really cool if I ball it up like this and-" I was confused until Lo'ak hit the shit out of my brother. Ohh not once but three times! Making him fall to the floor. "It's called a punch bitch!" I laughed as they all hissed at him and lunged. They were hitting eachother left and right, they pulled Lo'aks tail and he pulled someone's ear. I was laughing so hard, I looked up at neteyam to see him smiling at me and scratching his head. "Sorry princess" he said I looked at him with a face saying "what?" Then he jumped in to the fight punching someone and kneeing someone else.

I look at Kiri who just shrugged "boys" I laugh at the comment, that was until i stopped the fight when I saw Ao'nung trying to grab his weapon. "ENOUGH!" Everyone froze looking at me, I usually don't yell that loud but it was the only way they would listen. "Unhand eachother, Ao'nung you go tell dad that it was your fault for bullying kiri and dont fucking lie"I say glaring at my brother, I rolled his eyes and walked away. "And all of you go to your parents, tell them your pieces of shit that need help healing cause they lost to forest people" I look back at Neteyam and Lo'ak "no offense" they laugh shaking their heads.

Once everyone else had gone I grabbed both boys arms sitting them down infront of me and Kiri and we inspected their wounds. Kiri grabbed Lo'aks face as he rolled his eyes. While I grabbed neteyams and moved it to see a small bruise and a busted lip. "Good news your injuries are minor compared to the others meaning you guys won" Kiri said and I laughed until their father came up seething with anger. "You got into a fight with the leaders son?! I specifically asked you too not get in trouble!" Jake yelled at them not realizing I was there yet. He looked up at me and said " I'm sorry about them hurting your brother in going to punish them now" he grabbed their arms and dragged them away before I could say I didn't care. Kiri ran after them to make sure they were ok. I sat alone on the beach drawing in the sand.

I had stayed their the whole time not realizing it till neteyam came back and sat next to me with fish. I looked at him confused until he spoke "you missed dinner, what's wrongs?" I took the fish and decided to tell him about me having to mate with someone I don't know, "My mother and father have arranged me to mate with a boy of my clan by the end of next week, so that I may become leader already" I was looking down until he grabbed my chin lifting my head up. "They can't force you completely, you have to willingly do it right?" I shake my head tears almost falling out "As long as the queues are connected infront of eywa and one person does something, it happened with my great grandmother" neteyam looked shocked, this was never said in the Omiticaya people. "I won't let it happen to you I promise, I'll find a way" I looked at him smiling, he smiled back and kissed me.

At this point I didn't care how far we went, the part of the beach we were in was secluded. I sat on his lap and put my hands around his neck and his hands went to my waist. He pulled back and I looked confused on why until he said "I see you Zetiriya" I froze. This was nothing compared to I love you, this was something you'd say to someone who you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. But I wanted to do just that with him. "I see you neteyam" this was it, the bond you have with someone, eywa letting you know that is who your mate is. I smashed my lips on his, letting my hunger for him take over. He moves to my neck and collar bone, he stops looking at my face asking "may I?" I smile and nod taking off my seashell top. He didn't hesitate and started kissing the top of my breast ass his hands squeeze my ass. I moan at the pleasure of his lips on my body, he went down the my nipple swirling his tongue around it. I put my head back as he travels further down my body.

I grab his head bringing him back up as I kiss him hungrier than ever. I kiss his neck leaving a hickey or two as I work down to his collar bone, i kiss down his chest to his abs, until I was right on top of his loincloth. I looked up at him and he nodded leaning back as I took it off, it was definitely bigger than I expected. I swirl my tongue around his tip as I felt him twitch, loving the control I have. I slowly take more of him into my mouth as he tangled his hand in my hair, I started moving faster as he was groaning at the pleasure I was giving him. He started twitching as he said "fuck I'm close" I went faster until he was done. He looked at me breathing heavy and then kissed me, he layed me down him on top. He kissed down my body and stopping at my loincloth as well looking for permission. I take it off and he comes up kissing, I felt his fingers rub until he hit a good spot. He noticed how I moaned and kept rubbing that spot, I was moaning until he stopped and went down.

I looked down at him until he smirked and licked the same spot he was rubbing, I quickly threw my head back gasping. He licked and sucked on that spot before slipping two fingers into me. I was a moaning mess, his fingers went quicker and so did his tongue. I was close all I could get out of my mouth was "Fuck neteyam" until I finished. He kissed me and laid next to me holding my hand, that was amazing. I looked at him but he was already staring at me, "I know how to keep you from having to mate" I smiled trying to think then it hit me.

"I can't mate if I'm already mated to someone" I say and he smiles. "Only if you agree?" I smile as him and say "Fuck yea I do" I kiss him and stand up putting my clothes on. He sighs " My dads gonna be pissed I missed curfew, and I don't think what happened here is a good excuse" I laugh and kiss him as he puts his loincloth on. "That sounds like something you should of thought about before this" I smile as he holds my hand as we begin to walk towards my marui. "It was worth it" he says kissing me goodnight. I smile walking into my room thinking about how neteyam just asked me to mate with him, finally I fall asleep.

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