Chapter 10

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First person pov-Zetiriya
I was behind Lo'ak as we silently crept knifes in hand, neteyam behind me. Lo'ak stops, there was a boy around our age but human. He must be spider, "there he is!" Lo'ak whispered shouted. Spider noticed us and looked at the guards, there was only five of them and four of us. Lo'ak looked back and I nodded, neteyam nodded as well. He looked back at spider and we immediately jumped out lunging at them. Spider attacked one of them grabbing their gun shooting them, Lo'ak dodged as he stabbed one in the side making them fall. Neteyam and me were back to back as I dodged and stabbed a guard in the stomach, the guard fighting neteyam tried to stab him but I instantly turned around cutting his arm. Neteyam took this time to stab him in the stomach. Lo'ak grabbed the gun from spider as we ran for cover as more gunman came at the sound of screams.

We were huddled in a corner as Lo'ak tried shooting, but neteyam grabbed the gun "GO! ILL HOLD THEM OFF!" He said looking at us, then it hit me. This was it, this is why eywa showed me the vision. So I could stop it. "GO!" I yelled at Lo'ak and spider as they jump. Neteyam was trying to shoot, I grab a stray gun on the floor. "ON THE COUNT OF THREE JUMP!" I say and he nods. "ONE!...TWO!...THREE GO!" I say neteyam drops his gun as I step out infront of him as he jumps. "ZETIRIYA!" I hear him yell out as I stand there shooting making sure he wouldn't get hit. I start backing up and my back hits the rail. I go to jump feeling something hit my shoulder and leg. I hit the water and I come up to see Everyone waiting, neteyam was being held back by Lo'ak.

"There she is!" Tsireya yells out as neteyam and Lo'ak look up. I go to swim forward to reach reya Ilu but feel a sharp pain go through my body. "Shit" I say as I scrunch my face trying to stay above water. Neteyam immediately came towards me, he then saw red coming out of the water. "No no no! Your shot!" He grabs me and helps me to Tsireyas Ilu. "Hurry we have to get her to land! NOW!" I hear neteyam yell, I was losing blood and becoming dizzy. Everyone hopped on their Ilus rushing towards a rock. Neteyam had used his radio around his neck to contact his dad. "DAD COME QUICK ZETIRIYAS SHOT!" He yells as Jake responded telling him to calm down.

We get on the rock and Lo'ak, spider and neteyam carry me on the rock. I groan as they put me down, "No Ze'Ze you can't leave me! I can't do this with out you!" Reya grabs my hand as Jake finally makes it on the rock. "Oh god" he says as he looks at my wounds. No only did I have two bullet wounds I also had a gash on my forearm from lose metal. "Lo'ak put pressure there! Tsireya put pressure here!" He says pointing to my bullet holes as neytiri lands on her ikran. Jake rips off a piece of cloth he had around his hand and wrapped it around my forearm causing me to hiss. Neytiri kneeled down to me caressing my cheek, while neteyam held my hand crying not knowing what to do. "Your going to be ok! Why great mother why must this happen!?" Neytiri yells while looking up.

Neteyam looks at me as I lift my hand touching his cheek, he puts his hand on mine. "You were supposed to jump on three!" He said crying. "Eywa showed me that vision so I could save you neteyam, and I would do it all over again as long as you live" he looked at me hurt in his eyes. " What about my vision? Huh? We were happy princess! If you had just jumped!" I shake my head knowing if we both jumped he would be the one laying down right now. I felt my life slipping away, "I love you neteyam never forget" I say smiling as I take my last breath.

That was it.

I was dead.

First person pov-Neteyam
"I love you neteyam, never forget" we're her last words. Why did they have to be her last, I saw her eyes roll back as she layed there lifeless. "NO! ZETIRIYA,PLEASE EYWA PLEASE NOT HER, NOT NOW!" I yell out as everyone just looks at me not being able to speak. I yelled not knowing why, why her! Anyone else but her please! I put my hand on her cheek speaking just above a whisper "please princess, please" my voice cracks as tears flow out my eyes. My mother grabs my shoulder "She is with eywa now neteyam", i turn around hugging my mom.

"They have your sisters, we need to save them we can't lose anyone else" I look up at my mom with a straight face, a part of me had just died in my arms. I nod, I call my ikran as I hop on, connecting my queue as he roars out. "Let's give them hell" I say as I looked at The love of my life's body dead on the floor. "Wait neteyam!" My dad calls out but I fly away, towards the ship. My mother was angry to but not as angry as me. My mom and dad were close behind me, I approached the ship jumping off. Zetiriya died for me, so I'm going to make it worth it. I grab my bow as I see three guards on the ship, I hit the one furthest from me, as the other two look at his body fall I lunge at the one closest to me. I had my knife in hand as I stab him in the stomach, the middle one tries to shoot me but I use the one I just stabbed as a shield.

I knock the gun out of his hand, I punch him knocking him to the ground. I cut his legs so he can't stand I grab his hair pulling it back with a gun to his head. "Your all monsters" The man says laughing. I move the gun the his stomach right where his lungs are. "It's takes a monster to kill a monster" I say and shoot his lung, he coughs up blood as I grab the cuffs he had on him. Cuffing him to the rail. "Die slow mother fucker" I say, I walk inside the ship to see Kiri and tuk. My dad was already cutting tuk free. I go to cut Kiri free, just then quaritch walks in. Kiri didnt notice and went to run to spider when he grabbed her. Pulling her hair back with a knife to her neck. That's when my mom came from behind spider and did the same to him. "You killed one of ours, so I'll kill one of yours" my mother says. I put tuk behind me, well shit this isn't looking good.

First person pov-Tsireya
I stayed with Zetiriya, watching her body as I hold her hand crying. My sister, my best friend. Dead just like that. "You have to come back, I can't do this without you" I say, and just then I see her wounds slowly start to heal. "What?" I say thinking I was going crazy. Then it happened.

Her eyes flung open.

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