Chapter 3

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First person pov-Zetiriya
I was in deep sleep when I realized my bed felt weird, as I open my eyes i rushed to my feet to see I was on the beach still. Sand in my hair and wounds healed. I wash my face with some water and walk to the meal area for breakfast. Well hoping breakfast, I had no idea what time it was. I walk in and see it was still breakfast, I grab fish and sit next to Kiri and neteyam yawning. "Where we're you?" Tsireya asked. "I was on the beach last night and fell asleep" I eat and then look back up, everyone, even tuk was staring at me. "Is there something wrong?" I asked looking around, neteyam leaned towards me and whispered "your hairs a little bit of a mess princess" I blush and say "oh" I touch my hair and feel the sand and puffiness of it. "I'm going for a swim anyone want to come?" I asked being polite, no one answered "ok then see you guys later" I say walking away.

I reach the shore and jump in, feeling to cool water all around me . I didn't want to run into my mother or father, to be fair I have my reason. But of course eywa has other plans. As I was about to go underwater I see my father riding his llu towards me. I try to swim but he blocks me. "Where the fuck have you been?! Your mother and I were worried!" Worried? Worried my ass. "I didn't want to go home so I slept on the beach, you know your trying to mate me already, with someone I don't want" my father grabbed my arm and put me on his llu. If I fought anymore it would be worse then it already is.

He lead us to our marui. We walk in and I see my mom weaving an outfit, she looks up at me and immediately stands up walking towards me. "You disobey us, you don't come home, and you didn't do your duties this morning!" I flinch as she yelled. My father held me tighter, definitely leaving a bruise. They were never like this before, it's like a switch flipped and I wasn't having it. I would defend these people with my life but here they are harming me. Enough was enough. I snatch my arm from my father, and back away. "When you guys realize that I'm not a robot and I have emotions come find me, because I'm not dealing with abuse from people that I love!" I run out trying not to get caught by my father. As I ran out I ran into someone. I look up and see someone I wouldn't think I'd be so happy to see. Neteyam.

My eyes were watery, he had a worried expression. I hugged him just hugged him. He immediately hugged me back until I remembered my dad was probably going to follow me out. I pulled back and grabbed his hand, he was confused I could tell. "Might not be a good time but run" his eyes widen as I run towards the beach we were at last night. When we get there I saw he was out of breathe. I giggled, he calmed his breathing and grabbed my arm examining it. I didn't know why until I realized there was a bruise from my father. "I didn't mean to look, I was trying to find you and I saw what happened" he looked at me with a sad expression, this made me realize someone saw what I went through. I couldn't stop my tears from falling. He grabbed my face and wiped them away as they fell, "No one should make a princess cry, especially not this one" I look at him and smile.

"That not how I want to spend my day, sitting here mopping about how my life's turning to shit. Let's swim, I'll show you a cool cave I found!" I said changing the mood. He grabbed my hand and said "let's go, take me anywhere your heart desires" I blush and start running, calling my llu. I jump on and neteyam gets on behind me. He wraps his hands around my waist and I tense, he noticed and undid his hands and but as he was pulling them away. I grabbed them and put them back I looked back at a smiling neteyam "hold on tight" he nodded. I made a sound and my llu went straight into the water as fast as it could. After a couple minutes, neteyam tapped my thigh and pointed up. I went up and took a breathe, "your getting good at holding your breath" I said impressed, "I still need practice though" I smiled at how he wanted to perfect it, I nodded and we took our breathe before going back under water. Passing wildlife and reefs. We finally made it to the cave.

We get off my llu to enter, holding hands as we swim. It felt right, like his hand was meant to be in mine. When we get in the cave I look at neteyam, stilll hand in hand. "It's amazing" he said, the coral reefs were glowing and when you walked it would light up. I smile happy he liked it. I dragged him to a spot to sit. We sat down finally letting our hands go, "I come here to clear my head, it feels like no one can hurt me here" he looks at me like he was thinking of what I just said, "it looks like the forest at night, it feels like home" I look at him, but he was already looking at me. "What's on your mind?" I ask him, he looked deep in thought yet nervous. "Just wondering if you can help me on learning this new way of holding my breathe" I looked at him confused not realizing our faces were inches apart. "Of course how does it go?" He puts his hand on my face and looks at my lips, I was still clueless until he smashed his lips on mine.

I was shocked but immediately kissed back, I put my arms around his neck as he grabbed my waist putting me in his lap. He bit my bottom lip making me gasp, he slips his tongue in my mouth. It was intense like we've both been longing for it for some time. We parted ways catching our breathes. I was a mess, I just kissed neteyam. Godddamn neteyam! "I've been wanting to do that since I got here" I looked at him blushing "I wanted to kill you when you got here" I giggled knowing it was true. He laughed, god that laugh. Eywa did not fail me, the right man was infront of me the whole time. I pull him back and smash my lips on his this time. I put my hand in his hair. While his hands roam to my ass, this felt so...right. Like like we've been together our whole lives. He pulls away and starts kissing my neck, I let out a little moan. He makes his way to my collar bone but I stop him, "calm down forest boy" I say giggling giving him a peck, "it's not my fault your addicting" I blush at the statement. "Comeon we're gonna miss dinner" he sighs nodding, as I grab his hand to start walking he pulls me back and kisses me "just needed one more" I giggle as I started dragging him out.

We finally made it back to the island in time for dinner, I look at neteyam "we can't tell them yet, I have to figure stuff out with my parents and Ao'nung is a snitch" he laughed nodding grabbing my hand and giving it a kiss before he walked in. I waited 20 minutes then walked in too. No one asked any questions, just some gossip around the town was told. Everyone went their separate ways, I went inside my marui, my parents didn't say a word. They didn't even glance at me, I smiled at this. I walked in my room, brush my hair , and change. As I lie down in bed I think about my time with neteyam...Thank you eywa.

Happy new years everyone! Hope you like this chapter. Their relationship is progressing! I'll post another chapter tmr!

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