Chapter 2

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First person pov-Zetiriya
I woke up to the sun hitting my face, I groan at the thought of having to complete my duties for the day. I get up and brush my hair, putting on a new top made of shells and a new loin cloth. As I'm putting more braids in my hair my sister barges in. "Ze'Ze! We get to teach the forest kids how to navigate the reef!" I look at her and roll my eyes, she was to excited to teach these half breeds. " I have more duties to attend to, what time will this be?" I ask trying not to let my anger seep through. "At around 11 they have some chores to do first!" Of course, they would perfectly align it to when I was free of my duties. Probably reyas doing. I smile gritting my teeth "I'll be there reya" she runs and hugs me. "Yes! Now you can see neteyam more! I saw that little interaction yesterday" as I was about to say something she ran out of my room. Eywa she's delusional.

As I walk to breakfast one of the forest people ,Kiri I believe, came next to me. "Hey! Um someone told me you teach some kids how to be more connected to the water and eywa?" I look at her confused on where this was going " I do, yes, why do you ask?" She looked at me embarrassed saying " I was hoping me and my little sister could join?" She looked like I could trust her and her little sister is super cute, plus it could help me get rid of the task faster. "Of course, at 10 till 11, on the west side of the beach" I didn't realize it but I said it to her with a smile, I haven't smiled a lot lately. I did my face to its normal state. "Ok thanks so much!"  She said patting my shoulder. I nod and head to eat where my sister is sitting, and of course she invited the forest kids to our table.

I ignore it and grab one fish and some veggies, I sit down next to Tsireya, which happened to be next to neteyam too. No doubt my sister did it on purpose. As I was eating my fish I heard someone speak up. "Ok so today we are teaching you the reef, tomorrow we will teach how to ride an llu and after that Ze'Ze will teach how to fight our way!" I look up to my sister and immediately glared at her, "um who's Ze'Ze?" Neteyam asked, "It's me but your not allowed to call me that forest boy" though it did sound cute when he said it I- what am I thinking absolutely not Zetiriya. "I have to go, mother and father wanted to speak to me" I excused myself, as I walked away I could feel someone staring at me, I looked back and saw neteyam, he quickly looked away. I rolled my eyes walking to my marui.

As I enetered I saw my mother and father sitting down, I know on the wood to make myself known. My father looks my way and nods, I walk towards them "sit" my mother says. I obeyed. I analyze their faces, usually I could tell what they wanted to discuss but this time I couldn't. It scared me. "Mom? Dad? What's wrong?" I say trying to get whatever they want to say out, "we have decided on a mate for you" my mother says with a smile and my father starts smiling to. I sit there shocked, they said I had until my 16th birthday! "His name is teo'siro, he is a lovely boy that has agreed to mate with you" my father says, "you said I had until my 16th that's still 5 months away!" I say while standing, my mothers face drops as my father holds her down. "Well we decided to do it sooner, we thought you would be happy, the sonnet you have a mate the sooner you can rule!" My father says. I was beyond upset, I was angry now, and that led me to say something I wouldn't have thought about saying to my parents in a million years. "No! Fuck no! I'm 15 I shouldn't be mated to rule already! I'm still a child let me live! I want to do stupid stuff without having to worry that it will ruin my reputation!" I hold my mouth cant believing what I just said, my mothers face was raging, she stood up and slapped me. My mother has never slapped me this hard, I touch my lip and see the blood on my finger. I look up in shock, "You will mate by the end of next month with this boy, and you will not object! Apologize to me and your mother!" My father, the one I loved the most , didn't do anything about what just happened. I was done with their bullshit. "Fuck you both" I say. I run out and make it to the beach. I look at myself in the water and see my busted lip and a small bruise on the the side of my template. I wash the blood from my lip , hopping the kids don't notice.

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