Chapter 6

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First person pov- Zetiriya
I had slept in the this morning, feeling more tired than usual. I was woken up by a crying Tsireya, I immediately got up "what happened reya?" I look at her hoping it wasn't bad. "Ao'nung took Lo'ak beyond the reef and left him he hasn't come back!" I grab her hand running out not caring what I looked like. I saw neteyam with Ao'nung, he was death glaring him. I let go of Reya and walk towards Ao'nung, I slapped him causing him to fall back. "Your so fucking stupid! What if he's dead Ao'nung?! Huh?! Did you think about that?!" I went to slap him again but reya grabbed my hand looking at me pleading. I lower my hand, I also lowered my voice and looked at at Ao'nung with a look that could kill. "You better pray nothing happened to him, I will give you a personal ass beating" he nodded and walked away with his head down.

I look at neteyam and hug him, "I'm sorry, he's stupid, I'm sure Lo'ak is ok" he hugged me back saying "I know he's ok princess, my baby brother is stubborn but strong" I back up and give him a kiss not realizing reya was still there. "I knew it! Kiri owes me a favor!" I look back eyes wide, "Holy shit! I forgot you were there! Reya you can't tell anyone!" I say, she nods giggling then walking away. "She definitely gonna say something" neteyam says, I nod, sighing. "Once we're mates then it's fine, cause then my parents can't do anything" I look at neteyam smiling. He looked like he was thinking, he smirked as he leaned down to my ear whispering. "Tonight, after dinner, so we can yell from the rooftops that we are in love" I look at him with wide eyes. He kisses my forehead and walks away. I was left dumbstruck.

Eventually Lo'ak was found and unfortunately he took the blame off of Ao'nung. I was walking to go for a swim when Kiri and Tsireya stopped me smiling wide. "Really reya" I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I already knew, you guys were too close to not be together"of course Kiri did, they both grabbed one of my arms "tell us everything" reya said, I hesitated thinking about last night. Kiri saw my face and said "ew not anything gross! I see your face!" Reya looked at me tugging my arm "tell me!", I told them everything except some intense parts. Reya was so happy while Kiri cringed at the thought of her brother making out with a girl. We hung out most of the day, we went to dinner and sat down. As I was eating my fish I could feel neteyam looking at me, I looked up and smiled at him. He smiled back and went back to eating.

Everyone was done and leaving when neteyam came up to me, "I told my dad me and Lo'ak are staying at rotox for a sleepover, though I'm with you and Lo'ak is with Tsireya doing god knows what" I giggle looking at him, "what's so funny princess?" He says smiling, "Knowing that whatever they are doing right now won't compare to what we're about to do" he laughs at the thought. "Before we go, are you sure you want me for the rest of your life?" I look at the man in front of me. His eyes filled with pure love staring down at me. The man I have spent so many close moments with, the man eywa has chosen for me. "I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else" that was all he needed to hear before he grabbed my hand and started running towards the beach.

He calls his llu, he hops on and grabs my hand to help me on. He grabs my thigh looking back, I nod and we take off. As he goes up for air I say "The spirit trees are just up ahead" he smiles and nods. We go back under and eventually make it to the place. We get off hand in hand walking to the center. I stop us, turning towards the man I was about to mate with. "Neteyam, are you sure you want to do this?" I wanted him to know it wasn't an obligation. He stepped forward grabbing my waist with one hand and my face with the other. "It is and will always be you princess" and with that he closes the gap between us smashing our lips togther. I instantly respond as we move in synch as one.

He brought us on the ground, we then separated both grabbing our braids. We look in each others eyes, only seeing our future instead of the consequences. And with that we connect our queues, I gasp closing my eyes. Neteyam did the same. It wasn't like connecting with an animal it was more immersive. I could feel his happiness, his nervousness, his whole body. I open my eyes to see neteyam looking at me, he grabs my waist putting me on his lap. I grab his face "I love you ma neteyam" I could feel the love he was feeling for me it felt euphoric. "I love you too ma princess"

I smash my lips on his, it felt ten times better. He quickly started kissing my neck leaving hickies but I didn't care, I was his, he was mine. We were one. All I can do is gasp at this new feeling. I take my top off and rip off my loin cloth. He continues kissing me as he slips his fingers in my opening. I moan and push my head back. He takes his fingers out and I whine. He takes off his own loincloth, he lifts me up but before I went down he looked at me. I nodded and kissed him as he held my hips as I lowered my self, letting him enter me. I close my eyes shut as tears came out, he grabbed my face kissing my tears away "take your time princess". I look at him smiling,I start going up and down slowly cause it still hurt. I started going a little faster causing him to groan. I kept that pace until He began thrusting his hips up. The pleasure was so much I felt like I was in a different world.

"Fuck" he groaned as I went faster, I was a moaning mess. He thrusted up faster and harder driving me to the edge. "Fuck neteyam im close!" As I said it we both finished at the same time. He kissed me and rested his forehead on mine. I disconnected our queues to let us breathe. I get off of him laying on his left side as I grab his hand. That was it, we were mated. We were one with eachother. "I don't think I've ever made a better decision in my life" I look at him smiling, seeing his words were sincere. I kissed him out of words to say to the man I so deeply love. "Can we just stay here?" I asked as we put on our clothes. He grabbed my waist and laid us down, kissing my forehead he said "as long as you want princess". With that we fell asleep right there, nothing in the world could tear us apart, nothing could harm us as long as we were in eachothers arms.

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