Chapter 4

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Inspo for outfitFirst person pov-Zetiriya I woke up to reya saying something that I didn't register until I fully sat up

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Inspo for outfit
First person pov-Zetiriya
I woke up to reya saying something that I didn't register until I fully sat up. "Ze'Ze come onnn! It's celebration day!" I look at her confused until it hit me, at the end of every month we celebrate our ancestors with music, dancing, food, and offerings. I quickly get up and throw on fancy clothes, i rebraid some of my hair and look at reya. "How do I look?" I ask knowing she won't lie, "like a goddess" I smile and hug her. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the eating area that is being decorated and rearranged for later. I was about to help when I realized that the sullys didn't know what was going on. I quickly stood up saying "I'll be back im going to tell the forest people what's happening" reya nods and I run off to their marui.

As I knock on the wood to make myself known I walk in and see only Kiri and tuk getting bags, about to leave. "Oh hey Zetiriya! Me and tuk were about to go collect seashells for laters celebration, wanna come?" I looked at them happy they knew "My friends from the lessons told me! They said fish or seashells are good offerings!" Tuk says smiling. "I'm glad tuk, I would love to join but I have to help prepare in like 5 minutes" Kiri smiles "that's fine, we'll be on the beach" she grabs tuks hand and walks out. As I was about to walk out aswell I saw someone sleeping in the corner of my eyes. I turn to see neteyam sleeping peacefully, I walk towards him and sit down, he looked amazing.

"Neteyam, it's time to get up my love" I say while playing with his hair. He slowly opened his eyes and saw me, "well good morning princess, came to watch me sleep?" I laughed at the comment as he sat up. "No I came to tell you about the ancestors celebration later" I say while I got lost in his eyes. "That why you look so good today? I love the ancestors already" I rolled my eyes at him. "I look this good everyday" he put his hand on my neck and said "I know" while his lips met mine. This kiss wasn't a hungry kiss like last time. It was slow and compassionate, I pulled away "find something nice to wear, I have to help set up" I peck his lips and go to get up but he grabs my waist pulling me onto his lap. I give him a look that says seriously, he shrugged his shoulders and smiled as I went to kiss him. I Adjusting myself so I had a leg on either side of him.
I went to move forward in a better position I heard him groan, and oh fuck that turned me on. I separated from him trying to catch my breathe. As I looked at him I could see a hunger in his eyes, and I know I had it too but we couldn't just yet. I kiss him one more time before getting up and fixing myself. "Something fancy, I'll see you in an hour" I say while walking away leaving a horny and smirking neteyam behind.

It was finally time for the celebration to begin, everyone was entering the eating area with offerings while music was playing and people were dancing. There are always drinks at these events and this time I didn't care and drank four cups already. As I was on my fifth reya takes it out of my hand saying "enough for now, let's dance and sober you up" ugh sober the opposite of what I wanted right now, I felt free. When reya went to get me water I downed a whole cup of I don't know what, and when she got back I pretended to drink water. We went on the dance floor and I began to dance, waving my hands left to right, up and down. "Hey princess" I knew that voice, "neteyam my love! Your here, come dance with me!" I say giggling, he must have caught on when he said laughing "are you drunk?"  I look at him grabbing his hands "drunk, sober, I don't care I wanna dance come on" he listened and started dancing with me.

I don't care who saw, what they thought or what they would do. I was happy in that moment with him, drunk hanging on for dear life, with the man I love.... The man I love? Am I sure? I look at neteyam and feel butterflies as he smiles, 15 years on pandora and no other person has made me feel this way. "I love you" I blurted out to him, he stopped dancing "I love you too, but I'll believe you when your sober" I nodded understanding, I giggle grabbing his hand and dragging him away from the celebration. "Where are we going princess?" I look at him "to sober me up so you'll believe me!" I walk into his marui and grab a leaf full of water drinking it, while he brought me some fish to help. In no time I was all sobered up with a headache. I looked at neteyam, his eyes yellower now since it was getting dark. "I love you neteyam" I say as I walked to him.

He put his hand on my neck "I love you too Zetiriya" I look at his lips and he looks at mine, he crashes his lips on mine and I respond. We moved in sync as one, he pulled back grabbing my ass and said "jump" I jump up connecting our lips again. It was like we couldn't  get enough of each other, as he squeezed my ass I moaned. He took this time to push me up against a pillar and start kissing my neck, he start nibbling and biting my neck making me a moaning mess. I grab his face bringing him back to my lips, this is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with I'm sure of it. As if he read my mind he pulls away rest our foreheads together "will you be my girlfriend officially princess?" I look at him with a smile, "yes! Took you long enough" he laughed as I went to kiss him again. Eventually the celebration ended and I had to go to my marui so we wouldn't get caught. We said good night and I went to sleep thinking about how neteyam and I were simply brought together by eywa.

I don't know if I should make thins like a 10-15 chapter story or make it longer cause it's moving pretty fast any suggestions?

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