Chapter 11

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Doesn't go exactly like the movie!
First person pov-Zetiriya
I was dead, that was it, But at-least neteyam got to live. Suddenly my eyes fluttered open, I heard the waves of the beach and could feel the sand on my back. I begin to sit up when I hear a little boy, "Mommy! Your up!", I snap my head to look at the voices owner. There was a boy, he was a mix of teal and dark blue, with yellow eyes, ears of the forest people but body of my people. I stare at him not knowing what to say, "mommy? It's just me!" He runs up to me hugging me. I hug him back. "Let your mother rest Tèosiró" I hear a man say laughing. I instantly turn my head... It was neteyam but he looked a little older, not by much though. "Neteyam?" I say, "Who else would it be princess?" He says letting out a laugh while he sits next to me.

This was the the vision he talked about, but it wasn't going to happen. I was dead. I look up as the boy, our son, was collecting seashells. He ran up to me handing them to me, "For when neynyutì is born!" He says pointing at my stomach. I look down seeing it wasn't that big but it was obvious I was pregnant. I put my hand on my stomach and my other hand on my mouth. Then it hit me, neteyam didn't look that much older, and the boy was about 4. I died pregnant, my baby is going to die.

"No no no! Great mother take me back! Please let me go back! I have to!" I yell standing up. Neteyam stands aswell holding my shoulder, "princess what's wrong?" I look at him crying "this won't happen I'm dead! Our son is slowly dying while my body breaks down! I need to go back!" Then tèosirò came up to me pulling me down, "But mommy dead people only go back for love or revenge? Who do you want to go back for?" I look at my son, I put my hand on his cheek. "I want to go back for you, I love you and you aren't even born yet" then everything went black.

I snap my eyes open, "Zetiriya!" I hear Tsireyas voice. "Thank you great mother" I say as my hand flys to my stomach. Reya hugs me as I hug her back, "why? How? This isn't possible!" I look at her smiling. Putting her hand on my stomach, "Eywa has given me a second chance to raise my son!" Tsireya hugs me again as I look around. "Where's neteyam?" I say as I stood up looking around, "the sky people have kiri and tuk, they went to save them" and with that i made a sound calling a Ilu that was nearby. I hoped on, "wait Ze'Ze! You literally just raised from the dead!" I laugh as I look at her "Stay here I don't want you getting hurt!" I yell. Before she can respond I race off.

I make it to the ship, it was sinking fast. I hop on with my knife already out. I make it inside as I see quaritch holding kiris hair with a knife to her neck and neytiri doing the same with spider. Tuk heard me walk in and turned around "Zetiriya! Your alive!" She runs to me as I grab her, I look up to see neteyam with wide eyes and an open mouth trying to say something but no words come out. "Princess?" I smile at him and nod as i run to hug him. "How in the hell are you alive I shot you!" Quaritch said, I looked at him. He's the one that shot me. "Eywa gave me a second chance to fight, and this time I'm making sure your dead" I say hissing at him, neytiri cuts spider chest, "let my daughter go, or I kill him" she raises her knife when quaritch pushes Kiri foreword.

"Alright alright let him go!" He says, neytiri pushes spider behind her. I grab tuks hand as neteyam grabs mine not letting go as we all cautiously make it to the exit, "neteyam and spider get them out of here" spider grabs kiris hand as neteyam keeps his hand on mine. I make sure to hold tuk hands tight, we all exit the ship as neytiri slowly follows and Jake was almost out when "Let's get it done then" he lunges forward "ma Jake!" Neytiri yells out. She went to go back but neteyam grabbed her hand "He's got it mom, tuk needs you" he says as I let tuks hand go so she can swim to her mom. We all swam to the rock Tsireya was on, "Your all ok!" As soon as we get on the rock neteyam hugs me, "How? I saw you die right infront of my eyes!" He pulls back running his finger over the spots with scars from my wounds. "Eywa gave me a second chance" I say as I grab his hand putting it on my stomach, "So we could raise our son". Neteyams smiles, as he hugs me. "Goddamnit I lost a bet" I hear Kiri say, I look at her and laugh " me too" neytiri says rolling her eyes.

"I love you" neteyam say to me, "I love you too" I say smiling. Just then Jake and Lo'ak came swimming. "Look there they are!" Tuk yelled. Neteyam immediately jumped in the water to help Lo'ak with their dad.they got on the rocks and laid down. "We did it, we won!" Jake said, everyone started cheering. Just then spider came on the rock without anyone noticing. Neteyam ran and lifted me up, I laughed and gave him a kiss. Payakan emerged from the water, "He says to hop on that he'll take us home!" Lo'ak said. Everyone got on. We were going home.

We made it to the island, neteyam helps me off payakan. All the warriors had returned, most injured but that was ok. It was over, all the hurt and worrying was over. Later that night me and neteyam were in our marui, I was leaning my back on him while I was knitting. He had his arms around my waist and hands on my stomach, just watching me knit. I was happy, We were happy.

I didn't need to ask eywa why him anymore.

Because I found the answer out myself.

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