Chapter 9

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First person pov-Zetiriya
Kiri had woken up, everyone was relieved. She came and told me about what happened and I just sat listening knowing I couldn't say anything to relate. Me and her have gotten really close, telling eachother what we won't tell anyone else. I told her about my vision of neteyam and his of me, she didn't understand it either. It was confusing, why great mother would do that. Eventually we went our separate ways I looked for neteyam as she went to find tuk.

I found neteyam sitting at our part of the beach. I walk over to see he was deep in thought, "What are you thinking about?". I say as I sit down and he looks at me, "The sky people are getting closer, their only two villages down. I'm afraid their gonna come and hurt you and your people." I look at him softening my gaze, I grab his face. "I don't care if they come, we will protect ourselves and your family, no one has to get hurt" I give him a kiss on his forehead.

He gives a small smile before grabbing my waist making me straddle his lap. "Just incase" he smash's just lips on mine and I respond immediately. This wasn't just any kiss, this was a im scared to lose you kiss. I put my hands around his neck as his hands moved to my ass. I began to move my hips back and forth, he groans in my mouth. He flips us over so now he was hovering above me as I was on the floor. I took off my top and he takes off my loincloth and his. He enters me and I moan, he starts going in and out. He groans and starts going faster, I claw at his back moaning. He started kissing me going even faster then he already was, I moaned even more as he started kissing and sucking on my neck. "I'm close" I managed to get out as he groaned throwing his head back. We finished at the same time, he lays next to me as we were out of breathe. "I love you princess, always" I smile at him, "I love you too neteyam, always".

We caught our breathes as we put our clothes on. We hold hands as we walk to the dining area, but something was happening. As we walk in jakes hands something to neteyam telling him to joke it. "THIS WAR HAS COME TO US! MY SPIRIT SISTER AND HER CALF WERE MURDERED BY THE SKY PEOPLE!" Ronal says. I put my hand to my mouth, letting out a sob thinking about onir'yata and if she was ok. Neteyam puts an arm around my shoulder, "Onir'yata is going to be ok, don't worry". I nod as my father speaks, "WE MUST FIGHT,WE WILL NOT HAVE ANY OTHER TULKUN MURDERED!" He sticks his tongue out and yells as others do the same. Jake goes up "We cannot fight them! They will kill you without thinking twice!" He grabs the thing he handed neteyam as he continues.

"You must warn your Tulkun that if their hit with this they are marked for death!" My father looks at Ronal who nods. Jake looks at him and Tonowari nods, "GO WARN YOUR TULKUN! BEFORE IT IS TO LATE!" My father yells I instantly begin running towards the water. I call my Ilu and race through the Tulkun as I reach onir'yata, "Onir'yata you must leave far away! The sky people are killing Tulkun! If you are hit with a red thing you are marked for death!" She says she understood and that she would be ok, I say goodbye crying as she swims off with her sister.

I get on my Ilu as I hear yelling from the deck. I see neteyam and Lo'ak yelling at eachother, this can't be good. I rush over staying on Ilu having a feeling I should. "HES MY BROTHER!" Lo'ak yelled, "Oh he's your brother? NO IM YOUR BROTHER!" Neteyam yells back but Lo'ak jumps on his Ilu and races forward. "Hurry let's go hes going to warn payakan!" I yell at Tiserya, Ao'nung, Kiri, and tuk as I begin racing after him. Neteyam shortly behind me, "Lo'ak! Wait up!" I yell trying to get him to slow down but he looks back and just keeps going. Eventually we reach payakan, Lo'ak jumped off his Ilu and began signing what was wrong to payakan. That when he showed his flipper and it had the red thing. Everyone immediately got off their Ilus and went to try and pull it off.

"The rope!" I say to neteyam who nods, he grabs to rope as I wrap it around the thing he wraps it around his Ilu. As I look up I see a ship, "Fuck! Um guys that's not good!" I say pointing at the ship. Everyone began to panic pushing the red thing as neteyam rode forward trying to get it off too. It finally came off, "everyone, hurt and go! I'll lure them out!" Neteyam yelled. I looked at him with wide eyes shaking my head no. But he just nodded as he went under as fast as he could, I start riding as I realize the sky people were in submarines now. I race off making sure they see me so they wouldn't fall Kiri and tuk. As I was about to turn into a bunch of plants my Ilu was shot. I scream out as I swim into a plant that has air pockets.

I cry out as I see someone coming, It was Tiserya I hug her. "We have to go!" She yells as I nod and we go under we swam and then I saw Lo'ak he raced past me grabbing Tiserya and getting her on his Ilu as neteyam came behind me doing the same. We were racing off when Lo'ak stopped behind us, we didn't realize until we looked up to see Tiserya and tuk in a net and Lo'ak holding on. They were taking them to the big ship, as we raced after them I grab my spear on my back. Me and neteyam jumped on the boat as we heard Jake and some guy talking through Lo'aks speaker.  I saw my dad and my mom with our people, neteyam grabs his knife, we prepare for the war call...... my mother cry's out and everyone responds. There was only three guys watching them now.

I immediately run out throwing my spear as I grab my knife as the other guy runs at me. I duck as he tries to grab my hair and I stab his stomach. I slice down his leg as he falls to the ground in pain. I grab his hair titling his head back, "fuck you" I say as I sliced his neck. I saw neteyam had already finished the other guy and was now cutting them free. I help as I cut tuk free and he cuts Lo'ak free teasing him. "Reya take tuk and find somewhere safe we will be right behind you" I usher them off she nods and grabs tuk. As me and neteyam went to run off the boat I stop and he does the same. Lo'ak had grabbed a gun, "we need to get spider he's in there" I look at neteyam who groaned at his brothers remark, he nods and I go to follow them. "No, go with Tiserya and tuk I can't have you getting hurt. Please." I shake my head giving him a kiss. "Cant get rid of me that easy" I say as I walk after Lo'ak.

Something bad was about to happen, I knew it.

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