Chapter 8

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First person pov-Zetiriya
It's been two days since I was kicked out, me and neteyam we're almost finished fixing up our marui. I was decorating with seashells and some rocks that tuk gave us. She said they'd look great in our room. As I was putting them on a shelf I felt hands snake around my waist. I laughed "You walked out two minutes ago and your back already" I turned around looking at him. "Not my fault you look hot princess" I kissed him with a smile. He started smirking "No, whatever your thinking about absolutely not" I say giggling.

Bold=sign language
As he was about to speak Tsireya came barging in, "The Tulkun! They've returned! Our brothers and sisters have returned!" I quickly grab neteyams hands and squeal, "You have to meet my spirit sister!" Neteyam looked confused until I started dragging him to the shore. I call my llu and hop on with neteyam behind me holding my waist. I race off trying to find my spirit sister onir'yata, eventually I find her. I hop off, neteyam following me, I sit on her fin signing to her. "Hello sister! I have so much to tell you!" Neteyam has yet to master sign language, "Hi! I can't wait to hear everything but first, whose that hot stuff next to you?" Onir'yata says. I giggle, "Onir'yata meet my mate neteyam" the thing about my spirit sister is she was and is always uncensored which is always funny.

"Holy shit!..I'm happy for you Ze'Ze!" I smile at her as I look at neteyam who has a confused expression "she says she's happy for me and you" he smiles "Thank you" he signed one of the few ones he knew. "Was it big?" I quickly snap my head to look at my spirit sister shocked my her question. "I'm not answering, It would just boost his ego and I don't need that" I look at him scratching the back of my neck. "What did she say?" I was debating if I should actually tell him or not but I have in when I saw his puppy eyes. "She uh- asked if it was big" I say looking away, he grabbed my waist pulling me closer and grabbing my chin making me face him. "Answer her, is it?" He said with a smirk on his face, "Oh it's real big, I see you" I look at her rolling my eyes. "Yes it is alright happy?"

She squealed as I grab neteyams hand, "we will visit you later! We have to eat!" I nod at neteyam and he understood calling his llu, as I got on onir'yata said "Make sure to eat food and not each other". I immediately throw my head back laughing as we take off. She always knew how to make me laugh, I always tease her saying she not funny she just thinks she is. She gets very offended. While we walked on the shore near my parents marui I heard yelling. I looked at neteyam who shrugged as I got closer to hear what was wrong.

"THEIR BURNING ISLANDS TONOWARI! LOOKING FOR HIM, IF WE HABOR HIM ANY LONGER WE WILL LOSE MANY!" My father looks at Ronal, his face hardening. He spoke calmly as he does in situations like this, "I can't just throw them out, he wants to keep his family safe." Ronal looks at him knowing there's more than just that to his reasons. "He is a grown man, he can figure it out! I will not lose my people because of him!" Ronal. "Listen-" he was cut off. "IM DONE LISTENING YOUR GOING TO TELL THEM TO LEAVE THIS INSTANT!" I saw my father snap, "THEY WILL STAY! OUR DAUGHTER IS NOW THEIR FAMILY AND I WILL NOT STOP PROTECTING HER BECAUSE OF YOU!" Ronals face dropped. "She is no longer our daughter" and with that she walks out.

I slowly walked away forgetting neteyam was listening next to me hand in hand. I put my head down silently crying, he grabs my face. "Their burning villages trying to find you guys, what if they finally come here?" I look up at him, "Then my family and I will either leave or fight, it's not up to me princess" he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. I could tell he was holding himself together for me, he was scared they would find his family. "I can't lose you neteyam, not when eywa finally brought us together" he kisses my forehead and then hugs me. "You not going to lose me Zetiriya, I won't let that happen" I nodded wiping my tears. "Go warn your family, so you can prepare for what might happen." He grabbed my hand kissing it before running towards his families marui to warn them.


My siblings had heard from my parents the news and neteyam warned his family. We were all on edge, sitting at the beach not saying a word. Tsireya spoke up "We can show you guys our home tree? Take everyone's minds off it for a little" I smile at reya nodding. Everyone agreed. We all called our llu making our way to the home tree. It was surrounded by curved rocks, and floating mountains, as we got closer you could see the gigantic tree below. It was beautiful, I hadn't come here in awhile. Everyone began to dive, we passed animals that provided oxygen so we applied them. We finally got to the middle of the tree, everyone began connecting there queue's. I look at neteyam who smiled and connected his queue. I connected mine closing my eyes being sucked into a memory...but it didn't look familiar.

I was sitting on a rock in the middle of the ocean with Tsireya crying, "what happened? What's wrong?" I ask oblivious, this never happened in my life what am I looking at? "It's ok Zetiriya,your in shock." I look at her confused at her statement until I realize a body infront of us. No. No no no. "Neteyam? NETEYAM!" I burst into tears grabbing his limp body, I notice the bullet hole through the middle of his chest. I couldn't breathe, "how did this happen?! Why is he dead?!" I ask Tsireya but before she could answer I was pulled out

I was pulled out by rotox as I see Kiri seizing. I instantly go to her as neteyam grabs her, everyone swims up calling their llus. Neteyam brings Kiri on his llu and says "I'll meet you at the shore everyone go" I nod and hope on my llu racing to shore hoping that my vision isn't true and Kiri is ok.

As soon as I get to shore I run for neytiri, I tell her kiris state and she ran to their marui where neteyam had put her. I grab neteyams hand as Jake runs in, "I called norm he should be here in 20 minutes!"Neytiri nods as her and tuk hold kiris hands. Finally norm arrives and starts doing a bunch of scans, just then Ronal walks in holding things to heal Kiri until she noticed norm and his equipment. "I see I am not needed here" she says hardening her gaze and going to turn around when neytiri stand grabbing her hand "you are the Tsahík, you are needed. OUT! YOUR USELESS!" Neytiri yells at norm, he quickly picks his stuff up and leaves. Ronal sets her things down to begin when she looks at me. "Out" I look at neteyam who nods and walks out with me. We sit by their marui and wait hoping Kiri will be ok.

I close my eyes to relax but only see neteyams limp body. My eyes start getting watery and he noticed, "what's wrong princess? Kiris gonna be ok I promise" I look at him. I couldn't just not tell him "It's not about kiri, when we were at home tree eywa showed me something and I'm hoping it's not true" I could see he was waiting for me to continue. I hesitate, "You were dead infront of me, shot straight through the chest." I say just above a whisper. I let out a sob thinking about it, he immediately pulled me into a hug reassuring me. "I'm strong and fast, they wouldn't even have time to aim" I laugh at his attempt at making me feel better. I could see he wanted to say something else but he was debating, "What's wrong?". He looked in my eyes smiling.

"Eywa showed me something too, but it was much happier" I look at him confused "She showed me our family, me, you, a boy Tèosiró, and a girl on the way. It was a family of our own, so I'm not going to die because eywa has plans for us."

I smile at him, grabbing his face I kiss him.

He is my 'awlie meyam tìrey alo tìyawn,

once in a lifetime love.

Nìt'iluke frakrr

Forever and always.

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