Chapter Five

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After eating lunch with Lo'ak and Neteyam the next day, the three of us headed back toward our tent. When we got there, we found Kiri and Tuk leaning their heads against the cloth. We gave the two girls questioning looks, but Kiri just put a finger to her mouth, signaling us to be quiet.

We snuck over, putting our ears against the cloth and listening to Jake and Neytiri's conversation.

"You can't ask this," Neytiri states, her voice shaky. "I will not leave my people. I cannot."

"He's hunting us," Jake reasoned. "He's targeting our family."

"You can't ask this! The children--everything they've ever known! This is our home!"

"They had our children," Jake said through his teeth. "He had them under his knife!"

I heard the sound of wood clacking against wood as Neytiri spoke once more. "My father gave me this bow as he was dying. He said to protect the people. You're Toruk Makto!"

"This will protect the people!" Jake finally yelled. "Quaritch has Spider. That kid knows everything! He knows our whole operation, he could lead them in here!"

I exchanged looks with the older siblings, sharing worried expressions.

"If the people harbor us, they will die," Jake continued. "Do you understand?" There was a brief pause and sounds of sniffles before he spoke again. "Look, I got nothing. I got no plan. But I can protect this family, that I can do." His voice softened, "But I know one thing. Wherever we go, this family is our fortress."

"And what of Ayn'at?" Neytiri whispered, my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach. What of me? They couldn't leave me here.

Jake was hesitant. "She'll stay here, it's safer for her that way." My head turned to look at the Sully kids, their eyes widened as fear washed over our faces.

"Jake, that demon had her under his knife too! He knew Natasha!"

Before I realized what I was doing, my feet moved swiftly and I was at the entrance of their tent. "You can't leave me here." Jake and Neytiri immediately turned, facing me with wide eyes. "You can't leave me here," I repeated, walking in and standing in front of them.

Tuk appeared on my left, holding my side and wrapping her tail around my leg. "We can't leave her, dad!"

Then Kiri and Lo'ak were standing beside Tuk, giving their parents insistent eyes. And finally, Neteyam was on my right, folding his arms across his chest.

Jake sighed, "Kids, look. I know you care about her and love her. But for her safety, she has to stay here." He looked me in the eye, "Ayn'at, you have to stay here. You're safer here."

Tears were in my eyes again. Despite my efforts at keeping them at bay, they rolled down my cheeks. "It does not matter if I'm safe or not if I am alone." His eyes widened as Neytiri gripped his arm. "You are the only people I have left in my life." My voice lowered to a whimper, "Please, don't leave me here."

"Dad, please," Kiri begged with a soft voice, her insistence causing a sudden sob to escape my lips.

"My Jake..," Neytiri looked into the man's eyes longingly.

Slowly, Jake nodded his head, "Okay." He pulled me into a hug, holding the back of my head as tears continued to stream down my face. "Oh, sweet girl."

The rest of the family gathered around, creating a group hug.

"Thank you," I whispered.


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