Chapter Fifteen

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It was funny. Neteyam and I had practically spent our entire lives together. From since I could remember, it was always me and Neteyam, Neteyam and me. In a way, our love began the moment we became associated with each other. And it had just grown ever since.

Fifteen years.

It took fifteen years for us to truly see each other. It took fifteen years to realize that we didn't just love each other, but we were in love with each other.

And though we might just be kids, it felt like that love ran deeper than that. As if Eywa created the two of us especially for each other, like two perfect puzzle pieces. From infancy, we were together. And we would continue to be together. Forever.

That single word was etched into the biggest shell on the bracelets he made. And it made the small item all the more special.

We strolled through the village, the sky's purple hue turning black as the stars arose into the air. Chatter echoed around the village as kids ran by us, playing with toys and laughing. Firelight was scattered across the shore as people gathered around to talk with friends.

 All the thoughts from the day just faded away. Tonowari's terrifying voice left my mind, and the aching in my chest was no longer there.

I was content.

As we walked through the entrance of our home, we were greeted by a smiling Jake and Neytiri. The couple sat around a fire in the middle of the floor as they looked up at us. The other Sully children were nowhere to be seen.

"Hey kids," Jake waved.

"Hi?" the boy and I said simultaneously.

"Have a seat," Neytiri smiled, gesturing to the area in front of them.

Hesitantly, we both stepped forward and sat down, releasing each others' hands. I looked between the two adults, feeling extremely awkward. They just looked at us for a few seconds, though it felt more like minutes. A million thoughts ran through my mind as I contemplated what they wanted to talk about.

"Uncle... Auntie..." I broke the silence. "What is this?"

"Yeah, you two are being weird," Neteyam butted in.

"We just wanted to talk to you two," Jake answered.

My eyes widened as all my thoughts cleared until one remained. "No."



"Ayn'at, wha-"

"No, Uncle! I do not wish to have this... talk."

Neteyam turned to me, "Ayn, what're you- oh." He turned to Jake, his face twisting. "Oh."

Jake's eyes squinted as he looked between the two of us. "What're you kids talking about? I just wanted to- oh. Oh." His face scrunched up as he shook his head and waved his hands in front of us. "No! That's not- no. I'm sure you guys already had that talk from Mo'at. I don't even think I want to go down there and talk abou-"

Neytiri smacked the back of his head before turning to us. "That is not what we wanted to talk to you about."

Neteyam and I looked at each other. "Oh."

It was silent. It was like the air got sucked out of the room. We all just stared at each other.

But then a tiny giggle left my lips, and soon we all erupted into laughter. Once it died down, Neytiri looked at me with a bright smile. She picked up something from her lap and gave it to me. It was a picture—a picture of me, my parents, and Neteyam.

I felt the tears forming in my eyes before I even processed what it was. Neteyam stood in front of my father as I stood in front of my mother. We both had bows in our hands and looked so happy.

"That was the first hunting trip your old man took the two of you on," Jake explained.

Neteyam lightly placed his hand on my left one as he looked at the picture as well. I looked up at Jake and Neytiri through my teary eyes, "Why are you showing this to me?"

Neytiri smiled as she picked up two more pictures and gave them to us. "We are giving them to you, Ayn'at. We want you to know that your parents are still here," she placed a hand over my chest, "in our hearts."

I looked down at the two pictures. One of them was a picture of my dad throwing me into the air, and another was me and my mother on top of her Ikran.

Unexpectedly, I heard a sniffle come from my left. I turned to see Neteyam with tears in his eyes, one of the droplets rolling down his cheek. Then I turned to look at Jake and Neytiri, and they too, had tears in their eyes.

Jake placed a hand on Neteyam's shoulder, "Son, I know they meant a lot to you too." He looked at me, "They meant a lot to all of us. But they live on through us. We have to be strong."

Neytiri pulled up a few more pictures and placed them on the floor in front of us. Each picture was of me and Neteyam in different parts of our lives. The first one was of us when we were just babies. We laid beside each other as we slept. The second was of us playing in a small stream when we were toddlers. The third was of us on a  hunting trip when we were ten. Neteyam's hands were placed on mine as he helped me adjust my bow. And the last picture was of us in the forest, laughing as we pointed at a muddy Lo'ak. We were thirteen.

I looked up at Jake and Neytiri, my head tilting. But Neytiri just smiled as she ran a hand through my hair. "The two of you have been inseparable since you were just babies. You did everything together."

"When you find the right person, you work together and give each other strength," Jake added. He looked between Neteyam and I with a toothy smile. "You two have been doing just that for forever." His hand lowered as he picked up the picture of my family with Neteyam. He held it up to us, "So continue to stick together and strengthen each other. Stronghearted, that's what you gotta help each other be. It pushes you through the pain and even helps you look past it... past the fear."

I lightly nodded my head and smiled. My eyes looked down to the pictures of Neteyam and I.

Fifteen years spent together. Fifteen years at each others' side.

Fifteen years, and forever.

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