Chapter Twelve

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After some time, Neteyam left me to go help Jake. I sat on the beach alone, whirling through my thoughts. As much as I didn't like to think about it, I still missed my parents. Sometimes I felt as though I should already be over it. In a way, I am. But there was still a sense of pain lingering in my chest; in my gut.

And though I didn't want them to, the tears started forming. They filled my eyes like rain slowly shaping a small pool in a ditch till it overflowed. Of course, I was grateful for having Jake and Neytiri in my life—to have them as parental figures, like they always had been. It was great to have them there to protect me and give advice where needed, like my parents would. But it wasn't the same.

My mother should be here so I could tell her all about my first kiss. My father should he here to put on the overprotective act and suddenly become stricter on Neteyam. My parents should be here to talk me through this whole fiasco of love.

But they weren't.

I thought I knew pain, but then when I lost them, that's when I truly knew it. What more could I lose? It felt like the more I grew to love and move on, the more aware I became of the hole in my heart left by their deaths.

"Are you okay?"

My head whipped towards the voice. Rotxo stood behind me, his face full of concern. I turned back towards the sea, wiping my eyes with my hands as I nodded my head. 

The boy moved to stand beside me. He didn't sit down; he just stood there, looking out at the water. "I am sorry for telling everyone about your parents. I didn't know they would make fun of you for it."

My ears perked up as I sat up straighter, and the waterworks began all over again. I sniffled, "It's okay. But you still shouldn't have made fun of Kiri and Lo'ak." 

"I know. I'm sorry." It was silent for a moment as awkwardness filled the air.

Turning to look at the boy, I noticed a bruise still on his side. When I pulled him off of Neteyam, his body slammed onto a rock. "I'm sorry for hitting you."

His blank face lifted as his mouth formed a tiny smile. It was like a light sparked inside of him, and the awkwardness left. "It's okay." He finally turned and held a hand out to me, "We are good?"

I nodded my head and smiled, grabbing onto his forearm.

"Hey, fish lips!" Lo'ak's voice shouted as the sound of his loud footsteps stomping into the sand filled my ears. I quickly stood up, but before I could say anything, he stood between me and Rotxo. "What did I say about putting your hands on her? Huh?"

I pulled Lo'ak's arm, facing the younger boy towards me. "It's okay, Lo'ak! He was apologizing."

His head tilted. "Oh."

"Yeah, 'oh', skxawng." I laughed, earning an unpleasant look from him.

Rotxo moved from behind Lo'ak, nodding his head towards the village. "I should go. Bye, Ayn'at."

I waved my hand before turning back to Lo'ak, giving him a look. He let out a loud sigh, "Come on, bro. Give me some credit! I thought he was trying to mess with you again."

I shook my head and smiled. "I appreciate the concern, but you and I both know that I would be able to take care of myself if that were to happen."

He rolled his eyes, a smirk forming on his face. "Alright, mighty warrior."

I punched his arm at his remark. "Funny." Quickly turning on my heel, I made my way back to the village. 


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