Chapter Eighteen

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"Ayn'at, call dad!" Lo'ak urged me.

My hand shakily rose to the collar on my neck. "U-uncle? Uncle?"

"Ayn'at, what's wrong?" his concerned voice boomed through the radio. 

"Meet us at that big rock near the ship." I could barely get my words out. Each syllable was like a stone in my throat, all hard and rough to get out.

Jake got there just before we did, and he rushed over to us immediately.

"Dad!" Lo'ak called. "Dad! It's Neteyam! He's hurt!"

I got off the Ilu, holding Neteyam's head as Tsireya and Spider held his body. We pulled him towards the rock, struggling to get him up. All the voices drowned out as Jake helped us carry him up. The only things I could hear were Neteyam's coughs and erratic breathing. Tears streamed down my face as we placed him down.

"It's okay, bro! We got you!" Lo'ak assured, but it didn't help at all.

My eyes couldn't leave the boy. His hand gripped mine, squeezing it tightly. Jake lifted his back up as Spider shone a flashlight on the wound. The two mumbled curses as they looked down at Neteyam.

"Uncle?" I squeaked, my voice barely coming out.

He met my eyes with tears as well, and I felt my heart fall deeper into the black void. He turned to Lo'ak, "Put- put pressure."

A loud sob escaped my lips as I looked down at Neteyam, placing a hand on his cheek.

"D-dad," Neteyam got out.

"I'm here," Jake let out shakily.

Neytiri landed her Ikran as she rushed over, repeating a series of no's.

The boy turned to me, making eye contact. I felt his pain. "I cannot lose you," I whispered.

He just looked at me longingly. "I love you, Ayn'at."

"I love you," I sobbed. I brought his hand up to my face and lightly pressed my lips against it, resting my chin on top of our hands.

He looked up at all of us, wincing at all the pain. "I want to go home."

"I know, I know," Jake broke. "We're going home."

His eyes flitted around at all of us, as if he were taking each of our faces in. His breathing quickened.

"It's okay," Jake muttered. "It's okay."

"Dad- I-"

It went silent. His body stopped racking with pain. His pupils dilated. His grip on my hand released. It was silent.

"No. No, no no no," I shook my head. "Not again." My whispers erupted into cries. "Not again! No, please!"

"Neteyam?" Neytiri whispered. "No, no. Neteyam!" Her cries reached the depths of my soul and I felt everything in me burn. "No, Great Mother." She reached forward, pulling his face into her shoulder as I moved out of the way, gently placing his hand on the ground. "My son!" Her shouts continued as I sat there.

My eyes looked down at my body, seeing all the blood staining my blue skin. "Not again, not again. No, not again." I caught sight of our bracelet on my right wrist, and I slowly brought my hand up to my chest. Screams cut through my throat, prying open my mouth as my body swayed. My cries mixed in with Neytiri's.

I fell to my left, my body landing into Lo'ak. The younger boy wrapped his arms around me as I cried and screamed, my eyes never leaving Neteyam. Everything in me was tearing apart. Lo'ak's tears landed on the top of my head as I continued to sob.

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