ii. poisoned daughter

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"𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆," Raya sighed. "It's horrible to even think that I'm related to her. Half the times, it's me and Sirius who close the curtains and she'll be switching between insults for her son, and talking about how proud I better make the Black family. I wonder what she'll do once she actually realizes I'm never gonna be like her. She'll probably call me an abomination of her lineage, a shame to her favorite son, don't you think?" Raya laughed bitterly.

Cedric didn't respond.

His chest rose and fell steadily, but he was still a little pale and much too cold. Raya had a feeling that he had gained a little bit of color since the last time she visited him, but she couldn't be sure it wasn't just wishful thinking.

The staff at St. Mungo's didn't know what was wrong with him, just that he was unresponsive to practically every spell and potion. His internal organs were working at only five percent when he'd been brought it, but it went up to about fifteen percent over the multiple weeks he'd been here.

Whatever happened to him, he was healing very slowly.

"Kreacher doesn't seem to like all the people in the house," Raya continued. "You remember Kreacher, right? I told you about him last time. He's the Black family house elf, belongs to me now. He's nice when I ask him to do anything, but living for so many years in that house — taking orders from Sirius' mess of a mother's portrait. It'd drive anyone a little crazy."

Raya imagined Cedric would agree with her.

"It doesn't help that Sirius isn't very nice to him. I'm always breaking up fights between the two of them," she shook her head. "Kreacher occasionally listens to Sirius, since you know, he was on the family tapestry at one point. He listens to me more than the others. I feel bad for him, but Gods, he can be so annoying. Just yesterday, Sirius caught him sticking a ring in his loincloth and trying to sneak it out to his room. He started bawling when Sirius took it away. He's fine when it's just me, but he's getting quite annoying around everyone else."

Raya sighed, watching Cedric's heart monitor beep steadily. 

She didn't realize how much time had passed until a nurse knocked on the door, "Visiting hours are over, dear."

"I miss you," she whispered to Cedric before getting up. "Come back quickly."

She returned to Grimmauld Place quickly, wanting to stick herself in her room and maybe cry for a little bit. Unfortunately, she heard some commotion upstairs, and with a resigned sigh, made her way towards the noise. She entered the drawing room, only to see Sirius carrying Kreacher by his loincloth, looking like he was about to kick him out the window.

"Sirius!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing?!"

Sirius and Kreacher both froze, not expecting Raya to be  back.

Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Kayse stared between Sirius and Kreacher, and Raya, waiting nervously to see what would happen.

"I'm showing Kreacher some fresh air," he tried, although it sounded more like a question. 

Raya had a hard time believing this was the same guy who used to get away with loads of trouble back in Hogwarts.

"Put him down," she crossed her arms, leaving no room for argument.

Sirius dropped Kreacher, who began muttering under his breath.

"Master is not the real Master," he muttered. "Must listen to my Mistress. My dear Master Regulus, oh he would be proud of Mistress to standing up against Master Sirius. He did so much for Kreacher, he would not approve Master Sirius' ac—"

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