prologue (i).

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It was why he followed his mother around ever since he was little, obeying and following her commands as if he were nothing more than her pet. An impressionable child he was, highly influenced by the way his mother treated and acted to those around her — as if they were all her inferiors.

But Regulus did not have his mother's confidence, and he could not even look his peers in the eyes. His mother discarded him once she realized he wouldn't ever gain the attitude she wanted him to, and so, Regulus moved on to try and be loved by another.

His older brother, Sirius, was more than happy at the fact that little Reg was finally willing to play tricks and pranks, rebelling against their mother's wishes. They had their fun while they could, but soon, Sirius left for Hogwarts... leaving little Reg behind.

And maybe it was the fact that his father never even addressed him directly, or that his cousins were too scary when Sirius wasn't around to protect him, but Regulus began to find himself seeking out the Black Family house-elf, Kreacher.

It was an accident at first — Regulus looking for some place to hide from his father and accidently stumbling into Kreacher dusting his mother's head.

But slowly, Regulus began to call out for the little elf. He began to allow him extra food at his mealtimes, said good morning and good night... just throwing a little piece of kindness towards him whenever he could.

Kreacher responded happily (even if his happiness wasn't apparent), making some extra sweets for the young Master Regulus, or cleaning his room a little more thoroughly than the others.

For the first time in his eleven years of existence, Regulus had felt loved.

Time flew by, days turning to months, turning to years. Regulus attended and dropped out of Hogwarts, having been selected by The Dark Lord himself to join his army at only sixteen years of age. It was a final plea for his family — his parents — to love him.

They never did.

Perhaps that was why Regulus kept going back to meet Apollo. He promised himself it would be a one-time thing, that he was just trying things out, trying to figure out where he was in life.

But once became twice, thrice, and many, many more times.

Apollo never complained, listening to whatever rant Regulus would go on about. Whether it was something about the stars, or Quidditch strategy (which a Muggle like Apollo didn't get), or his hopes for a better future, Apollo listened.

And it was that simple act that had Regulus Arcturus Black falling in love.


i actually meant to post this last week as
a surprise, but i forgot loll

thanks for reading!






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