x. ice picks and mountains

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"𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐍!" Raya grinned, pointing at the screen Professor Sikander had set up.

She'd entered the class with Thomas, Elias, Kayse, and Emmet, only to see the projector out and displaying the opening scene of Madagascar. Raya clapped her hands excitedly, taking a seat in her usual spot.

Professor Sikander laughed at her excitement, giving the class a few minutes to settle down in their places.

It took a while, considering a lot of them had watched the movie as kids and were more than excited to watch it again.

"As you all can see, I have a movie set up for you all," Professor Sikander began once everyone had settled down. "For those of you who don't know this movie, the name of it is Madagascar, and it's a popular animated movie. There will be no test on this, but it's a Friday, there's a Quidditch match tomorrow, and I'm too lazy to teach anything. Enjoy the movie!"

He stepped back to press play, allowing the movie to begin.

"I love this class," Elias muttered from beside Raya.

"Ugh, it's so much better than Dumbridge and Snape," she agreed, her head still hurting from the other two classes she'd had that day.

In the morning, Umbridge once again had them reading chapters from their theory book, no one allowed to speak out of turn. Raya and her friends had been trying to sabotage her classes, but Umbridge had no hesitation to give out detentions. They'd settled on smaller things, like adding dye to her shampoo, and toothpaste in her cookies.

Snape on the other hand, had them working on multiple potions at a time, along with their Liquid Luck project still ongoing. Raya had begun the brewing process, but she needed to time everything perfectly otherwise it would all go to waste. 

Those two classes were hell, but having her final class of the day used as a movie day instead made it a little better.

As always, Muggle Studies went perfectly, with most of the students thanking Professor Sikander for being such an amazing teacher on their way out.

The rest of Friday went by too quickly, and before Raya knew it, she was gearing up for her first Quidditch game as Quidditch Captain. She could hear the noise of the crowd from the changing room, cheers for and against Ravenclaw.

It didn't matter: they both fired her up.

Tying her fingerless gloves, she turned to address her team.

"Out of all the teams, we've got the newest one," she reminded them. "We need to make that work to our advantage. They've never seen us play, and we won't give them enough of a chance to find out. Play hard, play fast. Make Ravenclaw proud."

Her teammates cheered, banging their brooms and stomping against the floor.

"RAVENCLAW! RAVENCLAW! RAVENCLAW!" they cheered, making their way to the Quidditch Pitch in excellent spirit.

Raya stepped forward to shake hands with the new Hufflepuff Captain. Madam Hooch blew the whistle, and the players shot to the air.

Like always, the Weasleys managed to pull through with their 'RAVENCLAW'S TOP SEEKER' apparel. They even managed to make limited edition 'RAVENCLAW'S TOP CAPTAIN' apparel. Raya saw her face all throughout the stands — on t-shirts, on flags, on banners — different students cheering her on, cheering her team on.

Positioning her broom upwards, Raya shot to the sky. The wind nipped her skin, and the frost that was covering the ground had turned to a thin layer of snow. 

Raya loved it.

The way the cold felt against her skin, mixed in with the adrenaline of playing her favourite sport in the world — it was absolutely unmatched.

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