iv. back to hogwarts

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂. There was no other way to describe it.

Fred and George had tried magicking their trunks down the stairs, but knocked into Ginny, sending her flying down. Mrs. Weasley and Walburga Black were yelling at the top of their lungs.



"Is it rude if I say one of the best things about leaving this place is never having to hear that lady's voice again?" Kayse shivered. "She may be a portrait, but holy shit, she's annoying."

"It's rude, yes, but I feel the same way," Raya told him, lugging her trunk down the stairs.

She'd helped Kayse move his trunks down to Moody, now it was his turn to help her. With everyone running up and down the stairs, yelling about breakfast and luggage, no one bothered to close Walburga's curtains. She'd just wake up with all the noise again.

"MUDBLOODS! SCUM! CREATURES OF — oh, my lovely granddaughter," Walburga reached for Raya as she passed. "Do the House of Black proud, my dear! Kick all of them out! Be the greatest witch Hogwarts has ever seen!"

Raya ignored her, heading past to where Mrs. Weasley was.

"Raya, Kayse, you two are heading with Tonks." Mrs. Weasley said to them. "You've given your luggage to Moody already? Good. Tonks' waiting — for Merlin's sake, Sirius! Dumbledore said no already!"

Raya turned to see a bearlike black dog bouncing around at Harry's heels. He followed as Harry clambered through the trunks that had been rounded up in the hall.

"Oh honestly..." Mrs. Weasley said, "well, on your own head, be it." She turned back to Raya and Kayse, "Hurry along, you two. Tonks is waiting at the top of the street."

Raya sent a quick glance in Sirius' direction, only to see him happily playing with Harry. Shaking her head to herself, she and Kayse walked out into the weak September sunlight, closing the door behind them. Walburga Black's screams abruptly cut off.

Kayse and Raya strolled up the street, stopping when an old lady greeted them at the corner. She had coiled grey hair and was wearing a hat shaped like a porkpie.

"Hey Tonks," Raya grinned, recognizing the Metamorphmagus.

"Wotcher," she grinned back, leading them along. "We're already a but late, so we better hurry along."

"Apparently, some guy's missing," Raya told her, remembering one of Mrs. Weasley's complaints. "One of Harry's guards, or whatever."

"Sturgis Podmore," Kayse remembered. "Moody was saying no one could leave until he showed up."

"Why's everyone gotta be late for one person?" Tonks made a face. "He shoulda let the others go, at least."

"Moody's Moody," Raya shrugged. "No one understands the inner mechanisms of his mind. Not even Moody himself does."

Tonks laughed, agreeing.

"I swear that's a SpongeBob quote," Kayse muttered to himself.


The walk to the station took about twenty minutes on foot, with nothing eventful happening along the way — thank the Gods. Raya played with the Snitch she accidently stole years ago, pocketing it once they got close to the station. Raya, Kayse, and Tonks leaned against the barrier to platform nine and three quarters, slipping through when no one was watching.

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