xv. brains and veils

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Of course, she told him everything, and even if he didn't like it, he was going to help her. Raya flexed her shoulders, which were a little sore from hanging off the side of the castle wall. She was surprised she managed to stay up there that long. All that demigod training had done her good.

"We need to time it perfectly," she whispered to Kayse, the two of them outside Dumbridge's office.

"Can't believe we're gonna put a show on for the perve," Kayse muttered.

"That's the part we're counting on," she reminded.

Without another word, Raya grabbed Kayse's tie, pulling him close and kissing him. The two continued making lots of noise, dropping random things and trying to keep their laughter to a minimum as they continued moving towards Umbridge's office and stepped inside.

Raya knew everyone in there was looking at her and Kayse making out, supposedly unaware of who was in the room with them. The two took another step in the room, causing Theodore Nott to clear his throat.

"This room's occu—"

He never finished his sentence because Kayse pulled Raya's wand out of her forearm holster and shot a non-verbal Stunning spell in his direction. Raya grabbed Kayse's wand and shot two more spells at two other Slytherins. Kayse threw a wand in Ginny's direction, who blasted the Bat-Bogey-Hex at Draco. Neville shot an Impediment Jinx at Pansy Parkinson, and Raya Stunned her.

It was over as quickly as it started.

"Did you guys have to walk in eating each others faces?" Ron grumbled.

"Shut up, they're cute," Ginny punched his arm.

Raya shrugged, pointing towards an unconscious Draco who had little bat wings flapping helplessly on his face.

"Well, he's a little weirdo, so we hoped the rest of them would react the same way," Raya shrugged. "We needed a way to get in here, and let you know that we were here before we fought them."

"Now we gotta get to the Forbidden Forest," Kayse said. "It's where Hermione and Harry led Dumbridge."

The six of them rushed out of the castle, past the Great Hall and into the Forbidden Forest. Raya used her tracking abilities from Camp and her father's powers to track Harry and Hermione. 

She froze at a fork in the path. The two had gone one way, but their aura was stronger on the other path.

"What's wrong?" Kayse asked.

Raya shook her head, leading her friends down the second path. A few minutes passed, before they heard voices.

"Anyway, Harry, how exactly were you planning to get all the way to London?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, we were just wondering that," Ron said, the six of them breaking through the clearing.

Harry and Hermione looked shocked to see them all, but pleasantly surprised as well.

"So," said Ron, pushing aside a low-hanging branch and holding out Harry's wand, "had any ideas?"

"How did you get away?" asked Harry in amazement, taking his wand from Ron.

"Raya and Kayse ate each others faces, then blasted the Slytherins while we all shot jinxes and curses," said Ron airily, now handing back Hermione's wand too. "Anyway, Raya and Kayse saw you heading into the forest so we followed. What've you done with Umbridge?"

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