iii. prefects and prophecies

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐄𝐖 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐑. Raya returned to Grimmauld Place, only to get sucked back into redecorating and cleaning out the house. Order members waltzed in and out, and even though it was Raya's own house, she never knew what was going on inside it.

Raya's own father — Alphanso Newbrooke — moved in and out of Grimmauld Place a lot, always stopping by to check in on Raya. Even after learning of her true parentage, he didn't treat her any differently. Not for a second.

"Last I checked, you were my daughter," he told her one night. "Whoever your biological father is doesn't matter. I raised you. You're my kid. Don't ever doubt that."

Fred and George's Extendable Ears didn't have much use during meetings, considering the Order members charmed the door almost every time. They used them at other times, like spying where their mother was so that the kids could take a break from cleaning.

"What about your job?" Raya asked Kayse one day while they were dusting the heads of house-elves.

"What job?" he raised a brow.

"At Quality Quidditch Supplies?" she reminded him. "You were working there before. Did you quit or what?"

Kayse shrugged, "I worked there last summer, but I decided not to return this year. After all, I only stayed there because it was the closest I could get to Quidditch."

At Raya's confused glance, he pointed to himself, "Muggleborn Slytherin. We don't get lots of opportunities to play on the team."

"Right," Raya muttered, feeling a little bad.

Kayse noticed this, smiling lightly, "It's fine. I've played more Quidditch last year, because of your bi-weekly games, than the rest of my life."

Raya pursed her lips, but didn't argue with him.

A few days later, as Raya was reading into the early hours of the morning, Hoot returned with a letter for her. Raya barely blinked at the Hogwarts seal, tearing the letter open.

"About time," she muttered to herself, careful not to wake Tonks. She didn't have to try very hard, Tonks slept like a rock. "They should've given us our booklists a week—"

Raya froze at the letter. It wasn't her booklist.

She made her way across the hall, knocking on the bedroom door. Barely a second later, it swung open, revealing a wide-eyed Kayse, holding his own Hogwarts letter.

"You got it too?" she muttered.

"Mhm," he seemed to be unable to form words.

"I'm scared," she whispered.

"Mhm," Kayse repeated.

"Wanna go down in the kitchen and read it?" Raya asked. "That way we can wash away our disappointment with Butterbeer and food."


The two of them went down to the kitchen, walking very slowly. Neither of them was super excited to check the results of their O.W.L.s.

When they reached the kitchen, Raya ordered Kreacher to grab them a few cans of butterbeer and some cereal. He obliged happily, with no one else to see him doing the work.

"You wanna go first?" Raya asked Kayse, her eyes fixed on the letter.

"Not at all," he spoke for the first time that morning.

"At the same time?" she tried.

"I'd prefer if you went first," he muttered.

"Same time?" she tried again.

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