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KJ's pov

I woke up next to Mac where I had spent the night. I didn't recall taking my hair tie out but I suppose I did....my hair was messy and the worst part was I didn't have a hairbrush. I did what I could and looked out the window into the formerly-dirt-town of stony stream. The public schools were still trash, but the place seemed nicer than it was before. The sun was just starting to rise, the sky was red and beautiful. I only looked away when I heard Mac grumbling and saw she was awake too.

"KJ go back to sleep. It's like 4am..." she murmured.

"Actually Mac, if you care, that clock says it's 6:30."

"Oh Shut up."

"I see you're still in the habit of being a paper girl"

"Once a paper girl, always a paper girl"

I smirked and looked back out the window. I saw some guys. They looked to be entering through  the same window me and Mac went through. I should've closed it. 

I knelled down to Mac. "Mac! Mac! Some guys are entering the school. Fucking get up." I commanded urgently.

"Oh shit, sorry KJ" she said standing up quickly. 

"Should I take these down to the closet-" Mac started, before I cut her off with a 'shhh'

I listened in and heard them laughing about something. 

"Let's get the fuck out of here." Mac said.

We walked out of the drama room, this time with more light. We walked by the cafeteria again and started down a long hallway to some doors that led outside. We walked quickly and quietly, not speaking a word. Then I saw the boys round a corner. I pulled Mac behind a door, she grasped my hand, I got distracted once I heard the boys talking.

'Is this the one?"

'Yea, it's Goldstein's locker.'

'The bitch deserves it.'

'Yea, after what they did, my dad lost his job at the bank to one of them'


'Don't you guys feel a little bad fo-"

'The Scumbag doesn't need empathy Hunter'

I then heard some more laughing

'Alright let's get out of here' a boy said and they ran down the hall where they had come from. The whole ordeal was less than two minutes but Mac held my hand tightly the whole time. I stood once I was certain they were gone and walked up to the locker to see what they wrote. I walked cautiously, still holding Macs hand.

 The locker was no more than a hundred feet away. When I reached it, I was speechless, and full of rage. I squeezed Macs hand tightly. 

The locker had a few messages reading,  'Jew bitch' 'dirty pig' 'Jewish scum' 'kike' 'goldstein' and a drawing of a cross.

There was a painfully long silence. "KJ......are you okay." Mac meekly asked.

I took a deep breath and walked over to an empty recycling bin. I threw my fists at it with all my rage, I screamed and kicked it, tears running down my face. Mac looked at me with a face of pure and true shock. Despite her, I kept on beating the bin, punch after punch, my knuckle started to bleed but I kept going. All the rage seemed to spill out of my fists, but I wasn't satisfied. When I started to slow down after a while Mac came right over to me. She put her hands on my shoulders and gave me a sincere look, pulling me into a hug. 

I wept a little longer and when my eyes were dry, we kept walking to the doors.

"I'm really sorry KJ...." Mac said, "those mother fuckers deserve-"

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