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KJ's pov

It was oddly sweet of Mac to say. She seemed in a better mood anyways. I didn't wanna ruin the moment so when she said she was 'just happy to be with me' I leaned in and kissed her.

She pulled me closer and my hands found they're way around her neck. Mac pulled away for a second to take off her jacket and we sat on my bed. She pulled me back in and we continued to make out for an indeterminable amount of time until, I heard the stairs creek as someone slowly climbed them. 

"Goddamn it." I mumbled, Mac hit the deck immediately and ran into the closet. 

"Karina?" My mom asked opening the door.

"Yea?" I asked sitting on my bed with a book opened to a random page.

"I was wondering if you wanted spaghetti for dinner tomorrow night."

"Lots of oregano please."

"Do you want to help me make it?"

"I have a lot of homework..." I trailed off

"Well alright then."

"Goodnight mother."

"Goodnight Karina." My mom said leaving. As soon as I could, I scrambled to open the closet door. Much to my frustration she pulled me in for a short kiss before I escaped her tight grasp. "What the fuck? We almost just got caught." 

"Almost" Mac emphasized, "We didn't get caught."

"You are an idiot." I said plainly.

"Eh, you're not wrong." She said smirking. "But if I'm an idiot, you're a psycho."

"Shut up." 

"Ohh, make me." And with that I pulled her in for a kiss. Albeit hypocritically, I didn't want to get caught: However I couldn't resist the opportunity. I pulled her a little closer and she only deepened it. Her hands were on my neck, mine in her hair, she was sort of scratching me really. But I didn't mind. Eventually she pushed me down on my bed, but remained standing or a second.

Before I knew what she was up to she started tickling me. I cannot with this girl....

"Mac stop" I pleaded between laughs.

"What was that?" She teased. 

"I said stop" 

"Hmm," she put her hands under my shirt, I struggled trying not to make too much noise. "I couldn't hear you." She was now smirking.

"Mac I can't control my voice. Please-" I begged.

She sighed, "fine. It's late anyways." But she gave me one final small jab. I returned it by hitting her in the arm. 


The next school day I awoke in panic. Shit. I thought I have the paper route and hockey. Fuck.

My throwing arm was the same one with the bruise. Every paper I delivered shot pain through my body. I really couldn't wait for practice. All those drills, and running, and hitting, and slamming into people.


At school the team was convening outside the cafeteria at lunch. I went over to see what was up and saw an offender on the boys basketball team named Eric, at the center of a crowd. A girl pushed me into the middle with Eric saying, "He's been looking for you KJ." 

I didn't have time to process the information before Eric grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me to face him. My face was no less than an inch from his. "KJ. You thought that saint Mary's, wouldn't be that bad. What do you have to say for yourself?" He barked.

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