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Happy 1 year anniversary of the paper girls show. On this day a year ago, paper girls premiered its first and only season on prime video :)

Mac's pov

My foot shot pain up my leg and to my spine with every step I took. I trudged down the deep blackness of the night and down the streets of my neighborhood. The autumn breeze shook the trees and a downpour of gold and orange fell upon the leave-filled gutters and ground. Most of the colored leaves had fallen and winter was fast approaching, but nonetheless a few hung on. 

I paced slowly down the street, in no rush. I strolled across the train tracks, down main street, past my school, and further down. My foot was giving me a run for my fucking money because it didn't want me to move, but as Dylan says "crying from pain is just a sign of weakness, and the best thing you can do is suck it up and stick it out." I suppose the choice to continue walking was fucking dumb but hey, what else can you do? 

I continued down my path to nothing in particular and stopped when I noticed the turn off to buttonwood that I had taken a few times to pick up Kaje, I was bored so went over to her school. 

I sat at the bench and pondered. 'What was going on with KJ anyway? She's always riding her bike at night, getting chased by Eric, and being patronized by him in general. She hates his guts, but doesn't do nothing about it! She was chased by a bunch of boys not too long ago, might not made it out alive, but she just brushes it off. I mean, that's something I could do, I do it all the time. But KJ is  different, she shouldn't be putting up with this bullshit. Eric needs to be stopped.'

Alex's pov

I was over at buttonwood, it was cold, not a long walk from my home. I couldn't sleep and couldn't go over to Gilet's so I just put one foot in front of the other and got myself out of the door. The leaves crunched under my beat up high tops and the chill of the wind caused me to shove my hands in my jacket pockets. I continued walking till I got to the sports field and noticed some guy sitting in my usual spot on the bench. So without being noticed I walked over to sit against the wall. 

It wasn't easy since all the leaves were crunching under my feet and making noise on the walk over so I tried to avoid any on the grass. I didn't feel like social interactions were appealing in the moment. I thought about Eric much to my dismay, I just wanted a fine night, a fine weekend, but he has to go and mess up peoples lives. I glanced at the hall in which his locker lay still and full of stolen hall passes and textbooks. I thought of how he messed with poor Gilet. Messed with KJ. Messed with everyone. He picks on anyone and everyone he  can, no mercy given to the slightest deserving. Nothing the adults did made him quit. If you told on him, he'd get twice as bad. Adults were powerless. Kids were powerless. He needed to be stopped.


A window shattered as a rock flew through its fragile frame. Someone climbed through in the dim light of the moon and snuck through the halls. A ray of light from the outside spotlighted a teenager clad in all black clothing. Shoes with hard souls slammed against the tile floor and left an echo in their wake among the dingy, empty hallways of buttonwood. Slowly approaching a locker, they seemed to know where it was, or at least which they wanted, they picked it using a pin and cracked open the storage space. Inside was a baseball cap he wore everyday in gym, a pile of stolen textbooks, a trophy case of bathroom passes, enough paper airplanes for an airport. And inside they left a small note:


|   Mind you head                                  |

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