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KJ's pov

At my paper route the next morning I saw a bunch of boys who looked like they were wearing the Buttonwood uniform pants. I took note of the oddity but kept pedaling my bike all the way to Mac's house.

Outside I met up with her. She road up quickly, just as fast breaking in front of me. She was right under a street light as we sat in silence for a moment. I noticed the subtle bags under her eyes, her slightly fringed and messy hair, coupled with the hair in the back of her neck standing up, why I hadn't a clue. I studied her warped expression of uncertainty. It was a odd sight.

"Hey Mac." I said.

"Hey KJ. Your arm okay?" She asked, a bit nervous.

"Meh, it stings a little but doesn't hurt too much." I lied shrugging my shoulders.

"Well okay then," Mac said, fiddling with her finger on the handlebars of her bike "Do you wanna hang out later?"

"Sorry," I replied pointing to my hockey stick, "I have practice."

"I can keep Rick away." I suggested.

"Okay practice ends at 5, I go straight to the bike rack right outside the field." I said turning onto my street.

I smiled at knowing the next time I would see her. It wasn't too often I had such a comfort when it came to Mac. I knew that about most people but with Coyle over here, never consistent.


At school I saw Eric bullying some girl from my English class. I didn't want to get hurt but then I thought back to when I was being harassed and decided to step in. He was calling her some name, I doubt the same he called me but still. I approached him as he looked at me, he was quite a bit taller than even I, his strong build from being on a school sports team, even his hair seemed to make him seem bigger and taller. He was intimidating but I stared at him for no more than a moment before punching him in the nose, allowing the girl to run away.

He covered his face with his hand "Ahh! Fucking Dyke! I'm gonna kill you you damn ki-"

I cut him off my kicking him in the shin and making a run for it. He may have basketball and been strong, but I could run across the entire length of the field quickly, and I road my bike every day. I was no match for him. 

I sprinted down the least visited halls of the school until I felt I had lost him. After waiting around  for a few minutes I was convinced I had lost him and went to class.

By lunch the entire small school knew about em humiliating Eric. I was getting asked all through lunch but the dough bag himself was nowhere to be scene. I scanned the cafeteria form where I sat with Alex. Nothing. 

A writing from the school newspaper, the pocket watch post, Dylan came up to me holding a notepad and pencil.

"Hey KJ."

"Oh hey Dylan, what brings you over to the home of the humble hockey humans?" I greeted.

"Well, there's all that news about your fight with Eric, I was just wondering if you could answer a few questions."

"Okay shoot."

"Why did you throw the first punch?"

"Well he was bothering a girl, bullying, I went right up to him and punched him in the face to let her get away."

"Do you have any regrets?"

"No, I stood up for her. No regrets at all"

"Why did you run then?"

"To save my skin. He's a 5'10 basketball boy. I had no chance with my fists." 

He scribbled some notes on his paper, "Did this have anything to do with your team?"

"Not directly."

"I see....Do you want to tell the pocket watch post anything else?"

"Well, there's one thing, we frightful factors in freely finding fun fielders are looking for a reserve player on the team."

"Okay," he said finally putting his pencil in his pocket, "thank you KJ."

"Well that was a bit fast." Alex remarked.

"And odd." I added "why are they already interviewing me like I just won an acalade. All I did was stand up to some asshole."

"Preach." Alex supported. 

"Their reactions were fast too. I punched hit what? Four hours ago?"

"Yea it's sorta weird, but it's a small school I guess."

I shrugged, I wasn't often the news of the day focused on me. I didn't appreciate all the eyes focused on me. I just kept my mind on my work and avoided the pattering of questions. Then at hockey practice I was bothered by some of the girls on my team, but I didn't mind as much. 


Low and behold, after practice, Mac was sitting by the bike rack waiting for me. It was near dark but the lights hadn't turned on so we were hurrying home before it was pitch black. 

When I got to my street I asked Mac the question that was burning on the tip of my tongue for the whole ride, "Hey. Do you wanna stay over again?"

"....I should probably stay at home every once in a while," Mac seemed to be fighting her wants in favor for what she should do. Obviously not wanting to spend the night at her home. "I'll see you first thing in the morning though."

"Ok Mac."

She started peddling away, "Bye Kaje." She said sweetly.

Huh, I never once mentioned beating up a piece of shit to her. She probably would think that's pretty cool, she'd do the same.

I went inside and ate leftover pasta from the other night for dinner. Then I read my book for English class. The pages lead me to picture a dingy farm controlled by a pig on a soapbox. Chanting slogans and speeches to his 'comrads'. When I finished reading my thirty pages I grabbed my hockey stick and went for a nighttime ride.

I went down Main Street, there were no cars moving as it was so late. A chill ran down my spine when I thought of who could be lurking in the shadows and I stiffened as I noticed someone was behind me by about three hundred yards. It was a normal thing but I was a bit on edge so I peddled a little faster, I heard some gears change and less peddling, but I heard them getting closer.

I wanted to turn but there was nothing, then my mind shot to who would want to be gaining on me Eric. I saw some buttonwood boys this morning, Mac was chased by some guys- oh no

I sped up and turned to another street. They followed. One of them got up next to me as my heart raced faster than my wheels. I sped quickly past him as soon as I could. I made it to the railroad track where just to my luck, a train was about to pass by. I got over the tracks as they were still trying to find me in the dark. I made it out alive.


I stayed around for a while in case they came back. I road by the playground, still it sure of what I would do with my time, so I sat on the swing and thought for a while.

After a few minutes, I had stopped rocking back and fourth and was just thinking about how I barely made it out alive. But my train of thought halted when I felt some arms  wrap around me. I froze, turned my head around quickly and saw it was Mac to my relief. I turned my head back around as she laid her chin on my shoulder. 

"Why are you out here so late?" She asked with a bit of concern.

"Cleared my mind and got chased by some boys." I bluntly stated.

"You too? Are you okay?"

"Now that you're here."

"Shut up." She said playfully hitting me on the head.


Yes Robin Buckley, that was a parallel to your story. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

Have a good day dear reader

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