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KJ's pov

I took about thirty minutes meticulously carving 'KJ Brandman' into my hockey stick, while Mac played with a rubiks cube. When I finished it, I was reminded of the good times when we won games every Sunday. I remember being hoisted up on my friends shoulders after I scored the winning goal at the last second, winning us the trophy. My parents cheering me on, the whole team cheering; that one hockey stick brought it all back. That's why I never let it leave my side.

"Hey, Kaje." Mac said snapping me out of my trance, "fold opens in an hour."

"Oh shit."

We ran out the door and to the shuttle, we boarded in time for the passage to open. Next thing I knew, we were in 1953 Stony Stream.

Mac's pov

Me and Kaje got to 1953 in one piece. We weren't bones thankfully, in fact we didn't crash land that time. We landed in the same place as last time, but instead everything was actually different in stony stream. Plus it was summer.

We walked on Main Street and half the businesses from the 80's were there, owned by the parents of the 80's owners. Shitty small towns=family businesses I guess.

We walked down past the shit factory which was still hanging around even then. My shithole house wasn't built yet, I checked, and where Kaje lives, there was a shitty house like mine. My school was only a few decades old when I saw it, buttonwood was there too.

We didn't want to spend the night outside so we set our course to find Tiff and Erin immediately. Kaje threw her hockey stick on her back and we set fourth on our journey. 

"So what the hell are we looking for exactly?" I asked.

"The shuttle they were in."

We waded through some corn and saw a drive in theatre, typical for the 50's. It was showing some old cowboy movie. I got a bit distracted by it. Then Kaje pointed out  a thing in the distance that was bright white and resembled the shuttle from what we could see. 

We walked over to find a beat up shuttle that we assume Erin and Tiff were in. And when I say beat up I mean royally fucked up. Parts missing, metal scraped, dents everywhere, you name it, it was there.

We just stood there to mentally figure out a plan, but I guess Kaje was just really focused on that piece of flying space trash "Kaje, I know you're distracted by how fucked up this piece of shit is, but maybe we should try opening the door." I said sarcastically.

"You're really funny." She replied Struggling to open the door at first, but soon getting it to corporate and went inside inside. 

We saw Erin and Tiff inside.

Kaje was overjoyed and hugged them instantly, I just said 'hi'.

"So what happened?" I asked the two, Tiff started:

"So we were sent off, but the old watch lady told me that if we eventually returned to our original time, we would lose our memory of the time war, the old watch, everything."

"So what does that mean?" I asked nervously, so quietly I don't think Erin could hear me.

"It means if we go back to 1988, we would loose memory of time travel and everything that happened?" Erin asked.

"No, it means we would only forget the old watch and our future selves. Not that we would want to remember any of that. But certain things, you're supposed to remember? I dunno she was sorta vague." Tiff clarified.

Erin continued the story, "We were sent to the 50's, but something went wrong and out shuttle crashed, we couldn't get it to work or anything, we couldn't do much of anything so we waiting around for you guys to come and get us, and guess what, you did."

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