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Mac's pov

Upon strolling into KJ's house I realized I had forgotten why I wanted to come in the first place. With the thought gone in my mind, I was blankly staring at nothing in particular. 

"Hey. Earth to Mac." KJ said waving a hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my trance and stared at her. "You wanna watch a movie?"

"Nah. I would rather..." I trailed off, still staring at KJ.

"Okay..." KJ awkwardly replied, obviously with no idea what the answer entailed. And I didn't know what I meant either. I wanted to do nothing but also something. I didn't want to be bored but also not move. 

Kaje just took me up to her room where she had to finish a bit of homework as I stared out the window. I guess when you're in the mood to do nothing; you must partake in the apitimy of nothing known as windows. 

I stared and stared, not knowing of the time passing until KJ sat next to me. "Hey loser." She joked.

"I hope you don't mean your self." I shot back quickly.

"Nope. I mean you."

"You're funny." I turned to her.

"Nah. Just the facts."

"Anything interesting happen today? Other than Rick walking home with you."

"Well my bruise got darker, so that was a pain at field hockey. But other than that not much."

"How did it get darker?"

"Life." She said leaning her head on my shoulder.


Later that night, my Mother made some spaghetti as requested. I was out back practicing my backwards chip. Mac had already gone home. My Dad called me in to set the table.

I grabbed a few plates and forks. Setting them out just as I was taught to. My Mother then brought in the pot and set it on the table next to my seat.

"So how was your day Karina?" My mom asked.

"Pretty good, practice was good. How was your day Dad?"

"Quite alright. Mr. Schwartz came by, we talked during my lunch break."

"Oh, Rick walked home with me today." I noted.

"I see. Rick." My Mother hinted.

"Mom" I said sternly.

"Anyways. Is your arm doing better? After your game it seemed pretty busted." My dad asked changing the subject.

"Fine. It's getting better." I lied. 

"Well, that is nice." My mom said.

"Ya know we were planning on seeing my mother this weekend." My dad said.

"Oh, I have a game though."

"It can take a second priority to your grandmother Karina." My mom said.

"But it's a big game, against Camen prep."

"We'll see if we can visit her on Saturday." My dad mediated.



I lied in my bed at night just listening to the radio and playing with my field hockey ball. Mac was on my mind. So was Rick. 

At first I didn't mind him, but he seems to have become a little more annoying since Halloween.  I wish he would leave me alone, but I can't tell him that. So what should I do? Try to distance myself.  But how can I actually get away from him?  Rhetorical question KJ. God. Why can't I just forget about him. 

Then I hit my arm where my bruise lay to distract from Rick. I worked I'll admit. But I was soon reminded of Eric. The piece of shit. 'Dyke, dyke, dyke' rang out in my brain with every hit. Was it better than thinking of Rick? Not gonna lie, a little. I threw the ball at my wall. It hit just above my first place trophy from last season, it then bounced and knocked a pencil onto the floor. I groaned.

I knew if Mac was with me, I might be a little calmer or not even have my mind on this.

Mac's pov

I had to leave KJ's eventually. She had to eat dinner with her family and I respect that. 

I hoped on my bike and sped off. The streets were nearly empty, or at least I thought they were. I wasn't paying much attention as my mind was set on my girlfriend's(?) bruise. How did it get darker? What the hell happened? She might've just bumped into some lockers, or hit it at field hockey. I'm overthinking this surely. She's a badass. No way that didn't happen by mistake, but then again. She does have a tendency to keep some things in the dark....

I arrived at my house to see my dad was home. "Fuck" I muttered throwing my bike down. I walked slowly across the unkept lawn and to the dirty window to see Alice passed out on the couch, and Dylan and Dad fighting over something in the kitchen. I looked like a pack of smokes or money or something. I went around back and crept through my window, hiding in my room. Waiting for the yelling to stop. 


Dylan knocked on my door, "you there ya little shit?"

"What is it fuck face?"

"Where the hell is my Walkman?!"

"How should I know?"

"Fuck! You know where it is you retard!"

"Piss off." I said as he opened the door unexpectedly.

"Where is it?!" He yelled holding my face.

"I Don't-" dissatisfied with my answer, he punched me in the face.

"You better tell me. If I don't see it tomorrow morning your ass is dead."

"Ow" I mumbled as he left. I couldn't get my mind off of the arguing from earlier, the pain I felt when I grasped my face, and the emptiness I felt overall. I fell to my uncomfortable bed groaning, knowing I had to get up for my route and school tomorrow. If I could just close my eyes  and not let any of it bother me I would. If I could make it go away I would. 

If KJ was with me, I might be a little calmer, if not maybe even happy.


KJ's pov

I was still a little pissed. I kept throwing the ball at the wall, letting it bounce back to me, and throwing it again. I was just focusing on catching and throwing, I didn't even hear the window creak open. At least until a second ball had bounced off my wall out of nowhere.

I was surprised and looked around my room only to one and only Mac Coyle. She had grabbed the one I left by my stick on the ground. Gotta give her points for creativity.

"You were just here." I said.

"Yes, but I came back." She said smirking.

"Damn did you read my mind." I joked fidgeting with my necklace and looking above Mac. I was caught off guard and didn't want to stare at her.

"Nah. Just wanted to get out of the house."

I scoffed, "Yea you defiantly read my mind."


Wow. People are actually reading this. I never expected that.

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