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KJ's pov

I spent the entire next day writing for the pocket watch post and editing articles to get away from Rick. I kept my mind off him by practicing and working on my homework. But outside of school, I was looking behind my back every few minutes for teenagers, especially on my paper route.

It was cold, the wind brought a chill down my spine, I was wearing my thin sweater and biking around before dawn in November in Ohio. It was stupid of me I know. No dogs barked as I road down Maple drive. I just threw my papers in peace. The wind wasn't just bringing a chill, it was the loudest thing out that morning. Moving the trees, swaying back and fourth, flags flapping in the early breeze. It was peaceful. 

Mac met up with me at our normal meeting point. I finished my route and we went our separate ways to our schools. 


Not to my surprise, Rick came up to me.

"Hey KJ. I've heard you've been writing for the post." He beamed with his backpack on one shoulder, just like the rest of the boys, trying to look cool but really not.

"Yea, just in my free time." I replied.

"Well I think that's pretty cool. Ya know, writing and stuff."

I'm pretty sure you can't even pick up a pencil  I thought. "It's not too exciting, but it keeps my busy." I said opening my locker and grabbing my text books.

"You heard it here first folks. KJ Brandman not being busy with field hockey for once." He joked.

"I'm not always busy." I defended sounding calm, slamming my locker shut forcefully. 

"Well, I suppose we all have stuff to do. Sports to practice," he paused, "people to see."

I knew this kid could be bold but Jesus H. Christ. For once I was lost for words to reply with, the only reaction I had was to punch him in his smug face, but I had to restrain myself from such enjoyment.

He was carried away by the crowd and I lived to see another day. 


At hockey I met up with Alex and we worked as teams of two pretty much the whole practice. I put in all my anger about Rick and everything else in my life towards my hits. 

Alex later said that's some of the best shes seen me play.


That night I was hanging out with Mac over at my house.

"School today fucking blew." Mac groaned.

"How bad could it be? Worse than Rick talking to me?" I retorted.

"Ha ha ha." Mac said tilting her head from side to side with every word, "No. A bunch of chuckle fucks were throwing pickle slices and mustard at our table. Tiff was in the library doing research and Erin was retaking a test so I was alone. I ended up eating in a corner on the first floor, the one between the janitors closet and water fountain, I know you don't go to our school. I'm getting off topic here..." 

I grinned a little, "I don't mind, keep going." I said laying down on my bed with one knee up.

"Well. I sat down and spent a while picking the pickles off my jacket-"Mac started.

"How'd you get off the juice?" I interjected.

"I used a napkin, now shut it. That took a while, and now my jacket smells like that Jewish deli downtown by the hardware store....Then I had math which was just great of course. Then during Spanish two girls got in a fight."

"Was one of them you?" I teased.

"No. Was one of them you?"

"I doubt it. The only person I've punched recently is you."

"No, you punched Rick."

"No I didn't."

"Yea I thought you did."

"Believe me, I would love to give him a good deck in the face, but my parents would kill me." I pondered.

"What if I punched him?"

"You're too recognizable. Maybe if you wore a mask-"

"Do I look like fucking Batman Kaje?!" Mac yelped. "I am not a vigilante criminal or some shit. Wear a mask just to punch some annoying boy? Hard pass."

"I think it'd be worth it. Like imagine if it was Wallet Becker-"

"Kaje, I haven't ever really met this kid, but I would would do anything to get you to never rant about him again."



I was in the middle of the train tracks. I ran down to Main Street, my breath speeding up as I ran faster and faster, the moon shining down on me. I was being chased by something, what it was I didn't know but I kept going. All the way down the street I sped, I paid no attention to the field hockey stick on my back. My feet pattered the cement, I turned and saw the park I was at not many days ago. I hid under the big play structure where kids always left cardboard boxes and skateboards. I went under it and hid behind something big enough to hide me from view. Then I heard  the voices of my pursuers. Though I had stopped running, my breathing didn't slow down. My eyes widened subconsciously as I gasped for air. I pulled my knees up to my chest and fiddled with my necklace as I heard them pass by. I remained where I was trying to steady myself, I was almost hysterical. But then I heard someone step in my direction. I held my breath reaching for my hockey stick. Another step. I braced myself. As they got closer I couldn't resist letting out a shaky breath from my lungs. I was lost for what it was. I looked down at my hand and in the very dim light I noticed that I had a cut and there was blood all over my arm. It didn't help my emotions in the moment. A few more steps, each getting more painfully close, hit the ground. I raced myself at the possibilities and uncertainty of the moment. We're these my last waking moments? I held my breath once more. Another step. And a final one not a foot away from me. The jig was, up. I was turning my head it look beyond the box I was hiding behind to see what it was-

I jolted awake. It's was just a dream. I realized. I checked my hand; not cut. I was in my room, it was late at night, and I was next to Mac. Relief flooded through me but I was still shaken up a bit by the whole situation. 

Mac opened her eyes, noticing I was awake and not okay. "Kaje are you ok?" She questioned sitting up with me.

"I'm sorta fine..."

"What is it?" Mac asked.

"Bad dream." Mac gave me a look of understanding. "I was being chased by something, I hid, in the park, and then it got close-"

"Hey, it's okay. You're here with me."

"Thanks." I said leaning on her.

"And I'll make damn sure no fucking nightmare ghosts chase after you ever again." Mac assured me. 

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