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Mac's pov

I woke up that Saturday to the sound of some loudmouth bird fucking around in the treetops. I rolled over and threw my pillow over my head to drown out the mind numbingly dull repeated notes. In the process of rolling over I stubbed my toe on the end of my bed frame, not that I had a small bed, I just was a good foot closer to the end of my bed than I should've been. 

I sat up since that bird wasn't going to let me sleep anytime soon. I checked my foot to see the aforementioned stubbed toe, however I noticed a huge bruise on it. I quickly forgot about my painful start to my morning and focused on the bigger issue: a large dark purple bruise covering the bottom of my foot. I poked it, pain shot straight through my foot as I quickly took my hand back. I dared to step on the floor, I put my foot over the edge of my bed and stood on just that one. This fucking idiotic decision was followed by a loud thud on the ground as I immediately fell on my ass. Real genius right there Coyle. Einstein level brains I thought to myself.

I crawled back up to my bed and curled up in my blanket, I had no clue what I was to do. 

I had to deliver papers but I couldn't stand, much less wear boots and ride a bike. I just sorta sat in my desperation of thoughts. I knew the birds weren't gonna let me sleep any longer so I reached over to my bedside table to grab 'my' Walkman, I wasn't in the mood to put in effort so I just listened to whatever tape was in there already.

I hit play, and New Order's 'Leave Me Alone' started playing: the perfect song for a slightly depressing situation.

I sat and stared out the window, clutching my leg and pondering which paper girl I would call to cover for me. KJ had a game so she would have been busy, Erin had to help her Mom out and watch her sister, and Tiff, she was free. I called her up and explained every last idiotic detail nessesary. "I am going to crucify you for this during lunch on Monday." Tuff giggled.

"Shut up." I murmured.

"I mean, like, the Mac Coyle stubbing her toe and calling in sick? Like, this can't be the right person?"

"Hahaha funny Einstein. Are you gonna cover for me or not?"



"On one condition." Tiff said stopping me.

"What is it?"

"Erin and I get to make fun of you for this on Monday."

I sighed, "Deal Tiff."

I sauntered back over to my bed and practically fell down on it. My foot was still cause in more pain than it should've. 

Giliet's pov

I had been asked by the band director to play with the 9th grade band. Now being an 8th grader, it came as a surprise. Sure I play euphonium, and the don't have one but I was sorta scared, besides, there are plenty of other band kids who are plenty fine at their up instruments who didn't come, Rick, Veronica, others. They're only seventh graders but still about as good as me. Eric plays the baritone and was sitting next to me all day. Which is the worst because he is kinda hated by most people at school, especially me.

He doesn't want to be in band, he hates it really, fake plays most of the time and still acts like a god. I guess he gets his ego from basketball or something because it sure isn't in the music room.

Anyways, that day was the day of festival, going to school at 6am on Shabbat to play, fun.

We got on the bus and Eric sat on the other side with his friend and I sat nice and alone on my side. During warmups he noticed I tend to lean a bit forward on high notes, I myself don't know why I do it, it just works for me. I suppose it weirded him out and he said, "why do you do that? Like a freak?" I ignored his remark and stared forward, not knowing what was to come.

When we sat in the audience before we played, I was shocked to find another school had two bass clarinets, a contrabass, and a bassoon in the same ensemble. I was so excited, I mean, a contrabass clarinet? In a middle school band? I was so excited. Eric asked his friend what it was and I chimed that it was a contrabass and he shamed me for being a 'know it all'. I just said nothing and kept on. He later, while sitting next to me, joked to his stupid friend that I leaned forward in rehearsal and mocked me. "At least I play." I fired back.

"Oh and you think that makes you so much better? You can't even sit straight."

And then we were ushered to a warmup room, this time in the school, before we went on stage. This time he told his friend "I don't even know why she's here," Referring to me "it's not like she's actually even in this band." He made sure I heard him but I said nothing as we had to play some scales.

Our performance went well, I was perfectly happy with all the work I had put in and was excited to see our score. Festival was no ordinary competition, there was no first place or anything, just being rated 1-5 with one being the best and 5 being the worst.

We sat back in the audience to hear another group and all the while on the walk to the seats from the stage, he was making more comments towards me. Even after we sat down he continued and I could go anywhere so I just had to take it. 

Later on the bus, our band director was finally telling us our score after keeping us waiting for almost an hour. 

"Judge 1: a one" she read. The bus erupted into cheers and high fives, I smiled, happy and satisfied with my work. Eric said to his friend, "Why is she cheering? She's not even in the band."

"Judge 2:" she continued, "a one!....now if you guys get all ones we can have a party." I smiled again and cheered, Eric then turned to his friend and once again commented on me, "I know who won't go to the party. The person who isn't even part of this band."

My smile faded immediately as I heard it. I know to other people it doesn't sound too bad, just another stupid comment, but that hit home for me, that was personal, that was more hurtful than anything he had said. This bigger, older, boy had been picking on me all day and finally hit me right where it hurt the most. My eyes welled up with tears and I hid my face by leaning my forehead against the window. We weren't even out of the neighborhood of the school we performed at. 

"Judge 3: a one" the bus broke out in cheered more so than ever before. I was glad we did it, but I couldn't bring myself to overpower my tears and smile. It was impossible.

15 minutes. 15 minutes we rode and I had my forehead pressed against the cold window as I quietly sobbed, snot dripped out of my nose and I wiped it on my sleeve, it was soon replaced by more snot, tears burned my eyes, I couldn't hold back the sobs much. Thankfully the bus was fairly noisy. 

When we finally got back to Buttonwood, my tear stained face stood up in view of everyone, my band director saw me and asked if I was okay. I shook my head. She told me to meet her inside. 

I put away my instrument and my director, Eric, and I walked to the front office. I could barely get a word out as my tears still left an effect even if they were no longer flowing. 

To make a long story short, he only had to apologize to me on Monday, my parents were never even notified. He didn't receive much of a punishment. I confided all my feelings in Alex that evening. She wasn't at festival, after all, I was the only kid moved to the older ensemble, so I had to wait till I got home to talk to her, much to my dismay. 


It's been a minute. I am not bothering to proofread this chapter because I don't have the energy.

The latter story is totally not me projecting........

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