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KJ's pov

I sauntered over to the kitchen and made a basic breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries the next morning. I heard the paper truck outside my house and went to get my bundle, I grabbed my bag and went upstairs to get changed out of my hockey shirt and into my Buttonwood uniform. 

I only had a few shirts so I just took one out of my laundry hamper like I had the day before. It was nice since it was Friday so I had the weekend and my hockey game to look forward to. 

I put my hair in my pony tail, grabbed my hockey stick, my bike and road out. 

I really only did the paper route to be free. I was alone out there, free of being put in a box by my parents and ordered around like my coach and teachers. I was just KJ. Not the perfect little jewish girl Karina, not the star field hockey player, not the straight A student. Just KJ.

I was lost in thoughts with house left to go when Mac snuck up from behind me.

"Hey preppy." She greeted.

"Hi Mac"

"You still on for tomorrow?"

"Yep." Mac seemed a little disappointed with my short answer.

"Ya know, we could deliver together tomorrow." She hinted.

"I..like that idea"

"I'll meet you outside your house?"

"5am sharp" I said as she turned to go back to her house. The interaction was short but nice. I always enjoyed conversations with Mac long or short.

When I got to school some hockey kids were talking about the game that weekend, up against St. Mary's prepetory school. Rumor has it they were brutal but I wouldn't believe it,

"They once sent a kid to the ER with a concussion after shoving her to the ground." A girl said.

"They elbow girls all the time too. I've seen a game, they play brutal." Our team captain Alex said, she continued, "Even their team captain plays rough and tough. She hit a girl in the shins with her stick and she fractured it. But the refs did nothing!"

"What's all this about?" I chimed in. "Come on they can't be that bad" I argued pessimistically. It all seemed to be a bunch of hyperbole. There's no way they did all that, I persisted.

"Jeez KJ do you need to see it to believe it?" Alex asked, she then started to get a little carried away. "Because you sure will when you're on the cold, wet, ground of blood. That will taste bitter as you breath heavily and have to suck it up and deal with the punches. Only opening your eyes to see the grim defeat of a wound so deep it scratches your soul. The pain you will carry, shine as the blood of your enemy isn't shed despite what everyone knows is happenIng yet no one stops. And the anger you feel to stop it can't stand up on its own; with no support you feel helpless. So you lay there in the on the ground in the blood. And you stand, red shoes but clean hands. You play on despite the pain, and when you're knocked down again-" she haulted. Everyone went silent at the brutal description. 

"But it won't be in vain. You. Will stand on the cold wet ground of blood eventually. Blood of victory." She finished. The bell rang saving her from the incoming storm of questions.

I was still thinking about what she said when I Bumped into Richard Schwartz. "Oh sorry, I said."

"No probl- hey KJ." He said turning to me. I didn't care for him, he was nice and all but I had no feelings for guys. They quite disgusted me really.

"Hi Rick." I said as politely as I could. 

"Soo are you busy this weekend Brandman? Maybe we could hang out?" He said kindly. Damn. Straight to the point. No patience at all, classic Rick I thought

"Sorry, I'm busy with practice and my game this weekend, maybe another time."

"How about next weekend. There's no games."

"I'll check." I said started to walk to class. He gave me a wink as I turned away and rolled my eyes. Jesus Christ how do I get away from him?


"Jesus Christ how do I get away from him?" I angrily said, pacing back and fourth in my bedroom. Mac was lying on my bed, throwing a baseball into the air with seemingly not a care in the world.

"He's so annoying, he keeps trying to hang out outside of school and I just want him to get AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled. (My parents weren't home yet)

Mac seemed to notice my anger and sat up. "Why doesn't he go after any other girl! My god! AND I have to see him at temple every week. He always walks up to me to talk and I just want to get far away from him. He doesn't even wait to ease into the question of when I can be with him! He just abruptly asks when I'm free, and I have to make some excuse just to avoid him! I want to just tell him I don't like him but then everyone is gonna know he likes me and I'll be bothered by everyone!..He never stops! He's such a bi-" 

Mac stood up and put her hands in my shoulders, "KJ. Calm the shit down." She said sternly but calm. Her touch seemed to soothe me in a way words couldn't explain. "It's just a stupid boy."

"He's a stupid boy who won't stop bothering me." I retorted. Mac dragged me to sit on my bed, next to her.

"Weelllll. Then why do you let me, a stupid girl, bother you?"

"You're different Mac. You know that." I was starting to calm down a little.

"I- either way, you don't need to sacrifice your damn voice by yelling, just to complain about him. Think of something more positive for a change."

"Well I have my game soon-"

"Not sports."

"Well there's you." I said, knowing full well she would turn red. I wanted to spite her so badly. Besides, she said to think of something more positive, what better than laughing at her embarrassment to cheer myself up. "it's nice to be around you, and you're funny and easy to talk to. You can get pretty annoying but it's worth it. It's different being around you-" I was cut off by Mac clearly wanting to return the blushing favor.

 "Likewise. You are so sweet. But you can get really pissed, once every blue moon.... But somehow you don't have the guts to punch anyone but me-" She said confidently, I immediately punched her in the abdomen....it's wasn't TOO hard.

She paused for a second, "You know what Brandman?" She said smirking, "what?" I asked confidently.

"I think you get some enjoyment out of my suffering." Mac joked.

"You couldn't tell?"

"Nah, it's obvious. But considering I returned your last favor, I think it would only be uniform to do so again." She said almost threatening, pulling back her fist for a hit.

Before she could move it forward I put my hand over fist stoping her, "No. please." I begged.

Mac lowered her hand, but I left mine on hers. We sat in silence. She was having a full on gay panic, She's right. I do enjoy her suffering

"Hey you there?" I asked warmly, waving my hand in front of her face, she was staring into the distance.

She looked at me. And I looked at her. Our eyes met. Before I knew it she leaned in, but I didn't pull away. 

I let her kiss me, sweetly and gentle. Out of character for Mac if you ask me but I wasn't complaining. She pulled away and stared at me warmly. I lived in the moment but then heard a car pull into the driveway. 

"I should go." Mac said out of fear, but clearly wanting to stay. 

"No. It's not even a school night, you can stay if you want." I pleaded.

"Well. Ok. My Dad has the night shift." She seemed to think for a second,  "They won't know I'm gone."


That night Mac slept in my bed with me. Never had I known a better feeling than when I was beside her, all was peaceful. All perfect. Until the alarm rang loudly at 4am.

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